Ecotrail Paris 2013 – 80 km
Saint Quentin en Yvelines - Samedi 16 mars 2013
Félicitations à Sylvain Court qui remporte brillamment l'épreuve chez les hommes et à Laurence Klein qui l'emporte chez les femmes mais surtout fait une apparition remarquable dans le top 10 de la course, à seulement 25 minutes du vainqueur !!
Tous les résultats de l'Ecotrail de Paris 2013 sont affichés à la fin de l'article.
Récit de mon éco-trail de Paris
Samedi matin, 9H c'est le moment de partir pour se rendre à Saint Quentin, lieu de départ de cet écotrail de Paris, c'est en compagnie de Jérôme, grand spécialiste du trail longue distance et que je m'efforce de prendre pour modèle depuis que je pratique le trail, et de Philippe, qui a eu la grande gentillesse de se lever ce matin pour nous accompagner sur la ligne de départ.
Il ne faisait pas bien chaud en cette matinée de samedi, fraîcheur, humidité et vent allaient être nos compagnons de voyage pour le début de cet écotrail. La question se posant à quelques minutes du départ était de savoir comment s'habiller pour l'occasion. Finalement j'opterai pour la sécurité en gardant un t-shirt manche longues et un coupe vent sans manches.
Il est un peu plus de 12H lorsque le départ de l'écotrail Paris 2013 est donné au son de la fanfare locale. Du côté des leaders, cela démarre très vite, tout en évitant de trop en faire, je me laisse porter par ce flot de coureurs déchaînés. Je boucle mon premier kilomètre en 4'28" soit bien plus vite que ce que j'avais planifié. Mais tout va bien, alors, sans forcer les suivants défileront sur une moyenne d'environ 4'40" /km. Les premiers kilomètres sont quasiment plats, c'est l'occasion de prendre un peu d'avance sur le timing sans pour autant se mettre dans le dur.
Pourtant ces premiers kilomètres ne seront pas sans apporter leur lot de doutes, je m'accroche dans une ronce et perd un gant qu'un autre coureur aura la gentillesse de me rapporter, mais ceci n'est rien au regard de mes mollets qui sont crispés et tendus à bloc. C'est probablement à cause du froid et de mon manque d'échauffement.
Ces douleurs ne me lâchent pas durant les 10 premiers kilomètres, je me dis que cela finira par passer lorsque nous aborderons les premières difficultés qui permettront un changement de rythme et de foulée et par la même occasion de détendre ces muscles contractés.
Je poursuis donc dans l'espoir que l'avenir me donnera raison. Vers le 13ème kilomètre nous abordons la première petite côte, je la franchi sans aucune difficulté et en profite pour me détendre les mollets au passage. Ils ne me feront plus souffrir et me laisseront en paix jusqu'à l'arrivée.
Le temps est plutôt clément avec nous, malgré quelques rafales de vent qui ne me font pas regretter mon choix vestimentaire. Les kilomètres et les montées s'enchaînent sans grandes difficultés. Je suis moi-même étonné par ce niveau de forme qui m'accompagne depuis maintenant quelques semaines. Et le chrono s'en ressent : je boucle le premier semi-marathon en 1h40 avant d'aborder le premier secteur difficile entre le 24ème et le 28ème kilomètre.
Je ne ressens toujours aucune fatigue, le souffle est bon, les jambes fonctionnent bien, tous les indicateurs sont au vert, je poursuis donc sur ma lancée et commence petit à petit à rattraper des concurrents partis un peu trop rapidement. Au premier ravitaillement, je ne ferai que remplir ma petite bouteille d'eau pour m'assurer de tenir jusqu'au prochain situé au 45ème kilomètre.
Les côtes s'enchaînent les unes derrière les autres, entrecoupées par quelques secteurs rendus très boueux par les chutes de neige du début de semaine, le rythme se fait naturellement plus lent mais cela ne m'empêche pas de passer le marathon dans un temps de 3h40', ce qui compte tenu des presque déjà 900 mètres de D+ avalés constitue pour moi une excellente performance.
Je poursuis ma route jusqu'au ravitaillement du 45ème kilomètre où je vais faire le plein de la poche à eau et prendre aussi quelques instants pour m'alléger un peu d'une envie qui me tenaille depuis quasiment le premier kilomètre de course !
Après le kilomètre 47, le profil offre quelques moments de répit, malgré la boue, très présente sur cette portion du parcours. Tout va bien, et pas encore de signe de faiblesses, je continue ma remontée dans le classement et rattrape quelques concurrents.
Nous arrivons au 3ème ravitaillement à l'observatoire de Meudon, l'occasion pour moi de faire un peu de tourisme et de profiter de la vue magnifique sur la région parisienne. Les premiers signes de fatiguent commencent à se faire sentir, les jambes sont un peu plus lourdes, les muscles des cuisses se crispent et la démarche devient moins assurée. Je reçois régulièrement des appels de mon amie Péline et de mes enfants qui l'accompagnent et doivent me retrouver à l'arrivée. Leurs encouragements à tous les 3 me donnent la force de repousser les limites de ma douleur et de poursuivre sur un rythme encore très honorable.
Je rejoins alors un concurrent avec qui je vais faire un bout de chemin, nous unissons nos forces et parvenons ainsi à oublier les quelques 60 kilomètres que nous avons déjà parcourus pour arriver jusqu'ici. Les principales difficultés sont derrière nous, il ne reste plus que quelques petites bosses, une bonne descente et un long plat le long des bords de Seine que je redoute tant.
Une petite pluie fine nous accompagne désormais et ne nous quittera plus jusqu'à l'arrivée. au 66ème kilomètre nous atteignons le dernier ravitaillement, juste le temps de prendre une poignée de petits gâteaux salés et je repars, sans même marquer de pause.
Je suis toujours avec mon compagnon de route au moment d'aborder les quais de Seine, mais alors que lui trouve l'énergie d'accélérer, je me bats pour ne pas flancher. Ce type de portion plate et monotone qui précède l'arrivée n'est pas mon terrain de jeux favori, de nombreuses fois j'ai déjà failli sur ce type de terrain. Mais je tiens bon, soutenu par Péline qui m'appelle régulièrement pour me booster et me secouer, en me disant qu'elle et les enfants ne m'attendrais pas au delà de 19h05 !! qu'il fallait que je me débrouille pour arriver avant ! J'en oublie les douleurs, la distance restante, cette hantise de ne pas y arriver, ce spectre de mon abandon au morbihan sous les yeux de mes enfants en 2011...
Je tiens bon, je boucle les derniers kilomètres au rythme moyen d'environ 5'30 au km, ce qui après plus de 70 km d'efforts est, à mon niveau, remarquable !!
j'aperçois maintenant la tour Eiffel qui scintille, les derniers mètres sur les quais, Péline qui cours à mes côtés, la ligne d'arrivée, les ballons, mes enfants qui m'attendent fièrement juste après la ligne... ça y est, c'est la fin, j'en termine, mission accomplie... 7H03'34"... 30ème au classement Scratch.
Il y a encore quelques semaines, ou même quelques jours, je n'aurai imaginé un tel résultat, d'ailleurs je ne m'en rend pas encore bien compte, tant cela me paraît irréel, nul doute que j'ai franchi un palier, un cap... Alors que j'étais convaincu qu'il se trouvait loin devant moi, Jérôme en termine en 7H30, je n'en reviens toujours pas et cela donne encore un peu plus d'ampleur à cette performance....
Les résultats complets de l'Ecotrail de Paris 2013 - 80km
Pos. | Dossard | Nom | Club | Cat. | P/C | Temps | écart 1er | Nationalité |
1 | 3361 | Sylvain COURT | Bouliac Sports Plaisirs | SE H | 1 | 05:48:58 | 00:00:00 | France |
2 | 3245 | Aitor LEAL IRASTORZA | ERLAITZ | SE H | 2 | 05:58:08 | 00:09:10 | Espagne |
3 | 3555 | David PASQUIO | Queven Athlé | SE H | 3 | 06:02:08 | 00:13:10 | France |
4 | 3544 | Thomas SAINT GIRONS | CPL PRIMAUBE | V1 H | 1 | 06:03:37 | 00:14:39 | France |
5 | 3593 | Vincent VIET | Team Coachplus The North Face | SE H | 4 | 06:06:25 | 00:17:27 | France |
6 | 19 | David WAMSTER | SE H | 5 | 06:09:43 | 00:20:45 | France | |
7 | 5 | Romuald DE PAEPE | EFSRA | SE H | 6 | 06:12:19 | 00:23:21 | France |
8 | 3513 | Damien VIERDET | TEAM ADIDAS EFSRA | V1 H | 2 | 06:13:45 | 00:24:47 | France |
9 | 2004 | Laurence KLEIN | EFS Reims Athlétisme | V1 F | 1 | 06:14:33 | 00:25:35 | France |
10 | 6 | Frédéric LEJEUNE | TEAM ISOSTAR / RAMBOUILLET SPORTS | V1 H | 3 | 06:26:40 | 00:37:42 | France |
11 | 3319 | Emmanuel DAVID | DIJON uc | SE H | 7 | 06:29:53 | 00:40:55 | France |
12 | 3472 | Christian DILMI | TEAM ISOSTAR / FLEURY LES AUBRAIS | V1 H | 4 | 06:29:58 | 00:41:00 | France |
13 | 3550 | Denis MOREL | VRAC AC | V1 H | 5 | 06:32:50 | 00:43:52 | France |
14 | 3431 | Marcel BATLLE | aurun store | SE H | 8 | 06:35:18 | 00:46:20 | Espagne |
15 | 3493 | Huw LOBB | Serpentine | SE H | 9 | 06:37:22 | 00:48:24 | Royaume-Uni |
16 | 3036 | Jordi AUBESO | EXCTA.MADTEAM | V1 H | 6 | 06:41:34 | 00:52:36 | Espagne |
16 | 2001 | Pedro Jose HERNANDEZ SANCHEZ | Atletismo Torrejoncillo | SE H | 10 | 06:41:34 | 00:52:36 | Espagne |
18 | 3235 | Svein Ove RISA | Team Asics Ultra Norway | SE H | 11 | 06:41:42 | 00:52:44 | Norvège |
19 | 3413 | Damien DOUVRY | SPIRIDON LA ROCHELLE 17 | SE H | 12 | 06:47:05 | 00:58:07 | France |
20 | 96 | Laurent OLIVER | V1 H | 7 | 06:52:31 | 01:03:33 | France | |
21 | 2969 | Alain DUHAMEL | Touquet Opale Athlétisme | V1 H | 8 | 06:53:04 | 01:04:06 | France |
22 | 3567 | Stephane RUEL | BA COUTANCES | V1 H | 9 | 06:53:32 | 01:04:34 | France |
23 | 37 | Didier ALBACETE | ASPTT YVELINES | V2 H | 1 | 06:57:29 | 01:08:31 | France |
24 | 2729 | Fréderic MAROLLES | club olympique du sud de l'essonne | V1 H | 10 | 06:59:18 | 01:10:20 | France |
25 | 45 | David LAMOTTE | SE H | 13 | 06:59:25 | 01:10:27 | France | |
26 | 3294 | Antoine POTTIN | SE H | 14 | 07:00:44 | 01:11:46 | France | |
27 | 3596 | Stephane LE DUC | brest l'attitude trail | V1 H | 11 | 07:01:07 | 01:12:09 | France |
28 | 47 | Sylvain FREMONT | Endurance Shop Versailles | V1 H | 12 | 07:02:41 | 01:13:43 | France |
29 | 3098 | Runar GILBERG | SK Vidar | V1 H | 13 | 07:02:58 | 01:14:00 | Norvège |
30 | 2990 | Michel BOWIE | Livry Gargan Athlétisme | V1 H | 14 | 07:03:34 | 01:14:36 | France |
31 | 148 | David POURRAT | ACPAgde | V1 H | 15 | 07:09:26 | 01:20:28 | France |
32 | 3127 | Sylvain ROUAN | SE H | 15 | 07:09:39 | 01:20:41 | France | |
33 | 2585 | Julien NOIRY | UA SOCIETE GENERALE | SE H | 16 | 07:10:10 | 01:21:12 | France |
33 | 3236 | Samir KADEM | UA Societe Generale | SE H | 16 | 07:10:10 | 01:21:12 | France |
35 | 2800 | Fabien JOUBERT | EFCVO | SE H | 18 | 07:10:25 | 01:21:27 | France |
36 | 3432 | Cyril HAMELIN | Us Olympique De Chelles | SE H | 19 | 07:14:14 | 01:25:16 | France |
37 | 33 | Fabrice BEDIN | CRAFT - BVSPORT - | SE H | 20 | 07:15:21 | 01:26:23 | France |
38 | 3476 | Alain RENOUARD | éolia normandie | V1 H | 16 | 07:17:12 | 01:28:14 | France |
39 | 2039 | philippe GUILLEMAIN | Kikourou | V2 H | 2 | 07:17:19 | 01:28:21 | France |
40 | 3075 | Philippe FOUBERT | SE H | 21 | 07:18:24 | 01:29:26 | France | |
41 | 3341 | Margrethe LOGAVLEN | Tønsberg friidrettsklubb | V1 F | 2 | 07:18:26 | 01:29:28 | Norvège |
42 | 3244 | Benjamin VALLEE | SE H | 22 | 07:18:50 | 01:29:52 | France | |
43 | 2788 | Yannick GUITARD | SE H | 23 | 07:19:35 | 01:30:37 | France | |
44 | 2755 | Julien GIBOURDEL | AS BONDY | SE H | 24 | 07:20:18 | 01:31:20 | France |
45 | 2685 | Olivier CHANTREL | SE H | 25 | 07:20:46 | 01:31:48 | France | |
46 | 2725 | Giorgos FOTOGLOU | SE H | 26 | 07:21:39 | 01:32:41 | Grèce | |
47 | 61 | Gael OBEIN | V1 H | 17 | 07:23:46 | 01:34:48 | France | |
48 | 133 | PATRICK LAVIGNE | V1 H | 18 | 07:24:04 | 01:35:06 | France | |
49 | 3362 | Ricardo VAZQUEZ | todo vertical | V1 H | 19 | 07:24:49 | 01:35:51 | Espagne |
50 | 2210 | Yann LEFRANCOIS | oxygène belbeuf | SE H | 27 | 07:25:13 | 01:36:15 | France |
51 | 2022 | Romain THIEBAUT | SE H | 28 | 07:25:22 | 01:36:24 | France | |
52 | 3433 | Olivier MULLER | V1 H | 20 | 07:25:23 | 01:36:25 | France | |
52 | 3434 | Bruno FRAILE | SE H | 29 | 07:25:23 | 01:36:25 | France | |
54 | 743 | Romuald GORLIER | acabeauvais | V1 H | 21 | 07:26:16 | 01:37:18 | France |
55 | 156 | Oliver ALTORFER | V1 H | 22 | 07:26:40 | 01:37:42 | Suisse | |
56 | 262 | Jean-Francois BRAZEAU | Team Montrail / Carquefou AC | SE H | 30 | 07:26:53 | 01:37:55 | France |
57 | 3140 | Matteo GRASSI | V1 H | 23 | 07:27:15 | 01:38:17 | Italie | |
58 | 52 | Guillaume STERIN | SE H | 31 | 07:27:34 | 01:38:36 | France | |
59 | 3398 | Bruno CAILLET | GUC | SE H | 32 | 07:28:17 | 01:39:19 | France |
60 | 2179 | Bruce MOORE | V1 H | 24 | 07:28:22 | 01:39:24 | Royaume-Uni | |
61 | 104 | Stéphane QUEZEL | V1 H | 25 | 07:29:03 | 01:40:05 | France | |
62 | 2863 | Apostolos CHRYSAFELIS | SAFANS | SE H | 33 | 07:29:53 | 01:40:55 | Grèce |
63 | 2256 | Christophe LECOMTE | Antony Athlétisme 92 | V1 H | 26 | 07:30:21 | 01:41:23 | France |
64 | 71 | Jérôme HAGUENIN | livry gargan | V1 H | 27 | 07:30:50 | 01:41:52 | France |
65 | 3229 | Loïc LEBON | gdm saint james | V2 H | 3 | 07:31:48 | 01:42:50 | France |
66 | 2601 | Antonio PINTO | ASCFF | V1 H | 28 | 07:32:59 | 01:44:01 | France |
67 | 3301 | Jerome DELAUNAY | joggers du couesnon | V1 H | 29 | 07:33:52 | 01:44:54 | France |
68 | 3344 | Martin OETIKER | V1 H | 30 | 07:34:01 | 01:45:03 | Suisse | |
69 | 125 | Géraldine HEUZE | Entente Nord Loire 44 | SE F | 1 | 07:36:06 | 01:47:08 | France |
70 | 21 | Ivan ZUFFERLI | x-bionic Italia | V4 H | 1 | 07:36:08 | 01:47:10 | Italie |
71 | 80 | Arnaud MORLE | V1 H | 31 | 07:36:18 | 01:47:20 | France | |
72 | 3446 | Christophe BOUIGES | Aurillac Athlétisme | V1 H | 32 | 07:37:07 | 01:48:09 | France |
73 | 426 | Philippe MEDARD | lma72 | V1 H | 33 | 07:37:30 | 01:48:32 | France |
74 | 3212 | Franck BUREAU | V1 H | 34 | 07:37:58 | 01:49:00 | France | |
75 | 168 | Jean-Baptiste RICHARD | Nanterre Triathlon | SE H | 34 | 07:39:05 | 01:50:07 | France |
76 | 2903 | Damien FIEVET | V1 H | 35 | 07:40:17 | 01:51:19 | France | |
77 | 3225 | Dominique AUDRY | V2 H | 4 | 07:41:09 | 01:52:11 | France | |
78 | 2821 | Benoit ZEHFUS | SE H | 35 | 07:42:02 | 01:53:04 | Suisse | |
79 | 2571 | Denise ZIMMERMANN | Team Salomon Suunto | SE F | 2 | 07:42:03 | 01:53:05 | Suisse |
80 | 3594 | Guillaume MORT | SE H | 36 | 07:44:06 | 01:55:08 | France | |
81 | 58 | Franck ORVAIN | V1 H | 36 | 07:44:18 | 01:55:20 | France | |
82 | 2537 | Nicolas POLLICH | Project GmbH Esslingen | V1 H | 37 | 07:45:15 | 01:56:17 | Allemagne |
83 | 2948 | Ireneusz DOBROWOLSKI | SE H | 37 | 07:45:24 | 01:56:26 | Pologne | |
84 | 2244 | Pierre Michel OGGIER | Trailers Verbier St-Bernard | V2 H | 5 | 07:45:25 | 01:56:27 | Suisse |
85 | 50 | Heathcliff GUENGANT | club rathelot de la garde republicaine | SE H | 38 | 07:45:51 | 01:56:53 | France |
86 | 3289 | François MANENTI | SE H | 39 | 07:46:34 | 01:57:36 | France | |
87 | 2135 | Nelson VIEIRA | Gally A.C. | V1 H | 38 | 07:47:08 | 01:58:10 | France |
88 | 3553 | Jean-Claude PAROLI | Jogging Club Epernay Champagne | V3 H | 1 | 07:47:56 | 01:58:58 | France |
89 | 2487 | LAURENT JACQUINOT | SE H | 40 | 07:50:22 | 02:01:24 | France | |
90 | 2497 | Samuel MOINARD | triathlon club coueron | SE H | 41 | 07:50:39 | 02:01:41 | France |
91 | 2995 | Guillaume BOGNER | SE H | 42 | 07:50:40 | 02:01:42 | France | |
92 | 2672 | Nicolas GUITTON | CAP PUTEAUX | V1 H | 39 | 07:50:50 | 02:01:52 | France |
93 | 3290 | Franck NOWICKI | V1 H | 40 | 07:50:54 | 02:01:56 | France | |
94 | 2835 | Antoine-Joseph VALLEE | SE H | 43 | 07:53:00 | 02:04:02 | France | |
95 | 233 | Nour-Eddine BENGUELLA | AVIA CLUB - DENIS BOY | V2 H | 6 | 07:53:19 | 02:04:21 | France |
96 | 2468 | Marc-André MOULIN | Stade Français Triathlon | SE H | 44 | 07:55:09 | 02:06:11 | France |
97 | 2332 | Richard DELHAYE | POISSY TRIATHLON | SE H | 45 | 07:55:25 | 02:06:27 | France |
98 | 3342 | Christoph OFFENHAUSER | V1 H | 41 | 07:55:39 | 02:06:41 | Suisse | |
99 | 2568 | Thierry HURAULT | ADK THALES | V1 H | 42 | 07:56:03 | 02:07:05 | France |
100 | 438 | Sebastien LEGAY | V1 H | 43 | 07:56:05 | 02:07:07 | France | |
101 | 2673 | Thomas CORNELIUS | Running Hvidovre | SE H | 46 | 07:56:58 | 02:08:00 | Danemark |
102 | 2986 | Jean Marie LE BRUN | trail roumare 76 | SE H | 47 | 07:57:25 | 02:08:27 | France |
103 | 2029 | Jean-Marc LAPORTE | ASAD | V2 H | 7 | 07:57:37 | 02:08:39 | France |
104 | 581 | Loic BENSET | MISTRAL TRIATH CLUB | SE H | 48 | 07:58:06 | 02:09:08 | France |
105 | 2351 | didier HOUDART | usc magny | V2 H | 8 | 07:58:19 | 02:09:21 | France |
106 | 2704 | Adrien BOUDET | Sogerma | SE H | 49 | 07:58:26 | 02:09:28 | France |
107 | 3448 | Edouard PICARD | ES H | 1 | 07:58:42 | 02:09:44 | France | |
108 | 3364 | Kurt SUSSER | V1 H | 44 | 07:59:19 | 02:10:21 | Allemagne | |
109 | 2683 | Stéphane BILLAUD | ASSO 91 | SE H | 50 | 07:59:28 | 02:10:30 | France |
110 | 3284 | Loic GODNAIR | SE H | 51 | 07:59:57 | 02:10:59 | France | |
111 | 3273 | Gurvan ANGOT | SE H | 52 | 08:00:04 | 02:11:06 | France | |
112 | 3268 | Nicolas PRIN | SE H | 53 | 08:00:15 | 02:11:17 | France | |
113 | 2662 | Guillaume DUPONT | SE H | 54 | 08:01:06 | 02:12:08 | France | |
114 | 2690 | Pierre-Yves DREVET | cslg kellermann | SE H | 55 | 08:01:07 | 02:12:09 | France |
115 | 2010 | Arnaud BAGUENIER DESORMEAUX | V1 H | 45 | 08:01:49 | 02:12:51 | France | |
116 | 2057 | Fabrice MAGNIN | SE H | 56 | 08:02:57 | 02:13:59 | France | |
116 | 2049 | Ludovic MAGNIN | SE H | 56 | 08:02:57 | 02:13:59 | France | |
118 | 75 | Jean-Luc LEFRANCOIS | V1 H | 46 | 08:03:23 | 02:14:25 | France | |
119 | 3318 | Damien TRON DAMIEN | Vanve Run Club 92 | V1 H | 47 | 08:03:30 | 02:14:32 | France |
120 | 145 | Ute BAIRD | Team Raidlight | V1 F | 3 | 08:03:47 | 02:14:49 | Royaume-Uni |
121 | 2275 | Carla DENNENY | Serpentine | SE F | 3 | 08:05:55 | 02:16:57 | Royaume-Uni |
122 | 131 | Freddy LEFEVRE | ACFC le cateau | V1 H | 48 | 08:06:15 | 02:17:17 | France |
123 | 2322 | Christophe BRACONNOT | IBM FRANCE PARIS | V1 H | 49 | 08:06:34 | 02:17:36 | France |
124 | 3473 | Pascal GANGLOFF | TEAM ISOSTAR / RAMBOUILLET SPORTS | V1 H | 50 | 08:07:32 | 02:18:34 | France |
125 | 2640 | Guillaume ARRIVE | SE H | 58 | 08:07:34 | 02:18:36 | France | |
126 | 3338 | Vincent LEFIN | 5 PAS DE COURTHEZON | SE H | 59 | 08:07:35 | 02:18:37 | France |
127 | 2141 | Thomas STOLTZ | POISSY TRIATHLON | V1 H | 51 | 08:07:38 | 02:18:40 | France |
128 | 2189 | David DUBOS | COURAPIEDS - CONSEIL GÉNÉRAL 33 | SE H | 60 | 08:08:24 | 02:19:26 | France |
129 | 3356 | Benoit PELTIER | SE H | 61 | 08:08:35 | 02:19:37 | France | |
130 | 2522 | Tarique SHAKIR-KHALIL | V1 H | 52 | 08:10:44 | 02:21:46 | Royaume-Uni | |
131 | 218 | Vincent LEAUSTIC | Val de Reuil Triathlon | SE H | 62 | 08:11:46 | 02:22:48 | France |
132 | 3029 | Olivier FERREIRA | V1 H | 53 | 08:12:34 | 02:23:36 | France | |
133 | 292 | Philippe MOREL | stade de Vanves | V1 H | 54 | 08:12:41 | 02:23:43 | France |
134 | 239 | Xavier DESPRINGRE | CAP BOLLENE | V2 H | 9 | 08:12:55 | 02:23:57 | France |
135 | 2326 | Sylvain BRACONNOT | SE H | 63 | 08:13:30 | 02:24:32 | France | |
135 | 3584 | Max VALSESIA | Team Salomon Agisko Italia | V2 H | 10 | 08:13:30 | 02:24:32 | Italie |
137 | 2692 | Benoit BLONDEL | V1 H | 55 | 08:13:50 | 02:24:52 | France | |
138 | 219 | Vincent BRIDONNEAU | SE H | 64 | 08:14:05 | 02:25:07 | France | |
139 | 3307 | Fabrice BALAVOINE | nac course à pied | V1 H | 56 | 08:14:24 | 02:25:26 | France |
140 | 2710 | David DEROUSSY | V1 H | 57 | 08:14:38 | 02:25:40 | France | |
141 | 2733 | Raphael BOUVIER | jog' gatine | SE H | 65 | 08:14:51 | 02:25:53 | France |
142 | 424 | jacky ROCHER | USCPCArp | V2 H | 11 | 08:15:25 | 02:26:27 | France |
143 | 3563 | Pierre HOREAU | SE H | 66 | 08:16:06 | 02:27:08 | France | |
144 | 2773 | Dominique MERCIER | tuvb verrieres le buisson | V2 H | 12 | 08:17:13 | 02:28:15 | France |
145 | 46 | Jean Francois GEORGER | SE H | 67 | 08:17:22 | 02:28:24 | France | |
146 | 3387 | Olivier CURE | V1 H | 58 | 08:17:40 | 02:28:42 | France | |
147 | 3022 | Nicolas LE FLOCH | SE H | 68 | 08:17:57 | 02:28:59 | France | |
148 | 3071 | Maxime PLASMANNE | SE H | 69 | 08:18:44 | 02:29:46 | Belgique | |
149 | 2718 | Jérôme MEYER | ASPTT VERDUN | V1 H | 59 | 08:18:48 | 02:29:50 | France |
150 | 708 | Fabrice MIAYOKILA | CA MONTREUIL | SE H | 70 | 08:19:30 | 02:30:32 | France |
151 | 2193 | Frédéric VAERNEWYCK | TGV 54 | V1 H | 60 | 08:20:23 | 02:31:25 | France |
152 | 2557 | Stéphane JOUSSELIN | les foulées de saint germain en laye | V1 H | 61 | 08:20:31 | 02:31:33 | France |
153 | 3281 | Jean-Luc LODS | V1 H | 62 | 08:20:38 | 02:31:40 | France | |
154 | 3249 | Fabien MEYER | SE H | 71 | 08:20:41 | 02:31:43 | France | |
155 | 2970 | Antoine ROCHERIEUX | AS SFR | SE H | 72 | 08:21:01 | 02:32:03 | France |
156 | 2587 | Mathieu NICOLAS | SE H | 73 | 08:21:15 | 02:32:17 | France | |
157 | 2758 | Cédric BLANTY | Xve Athletic Club | SE H | 74 | 08:22:16 | 02:33:18 | France |
158 | 2625 | Baptiste DERVILLE | SE H | 75 | 08:22:18 | 02:33:20 | France | |
159 | 3102 | Cedric DELABIE | ASLA | SE H | 76 | 08:22:34 | 02:33:36 | France |
160 | 2111 | Olivier DUFOSSE | V1 H | 63 | 08:23:05 | 02:34:07 | France | |
161 | 2949 | Guillaume LECOINTRE | SE H | 77 | 08:23:13 | 02:34:15 | France | |
162 | 2781 | Cyril OGER | V1 H | 64 | 08:23:14 | 02:34:16 | France | |
162 | 2130 | Alan FRANCOIS | SE H | 78 | 08:23:14 | 02:34:16 | France | |
164 | 3277 | Sylvain DEMESLAY | La Margantinaise | V1 H | 65 | 08:23:38 | 02:34:40 | France |
165 | 3464 | Xavier JOURDHEUIL | V2 H | 13 | 08:23:41 | 02:34:43 | France | |
166 | 2416 | Bruno BOULAY | SE H | 79 | 08:23:42 | 02:34:44 | France | |
167 | 143 | Frederic BODET | AS BANQUE DE FRANCE | V1 H | 66 | 08:23:52 | 02:34:54 | France |
168 | 629 | Alexandre TERRIGEOL | SE H | 80 | 08:23:54 | 02:34:56 | France | |
169 | 2897 | Benoît FERTUN | SE H | 81 | 08:24:26 | 02:35:28 | France | |
170 | 188 | Virgile PREVOSTO | SE H | 82 | 08:25:14 | 02:36:16 | France | |
171 | 278 | Serge PONS | Union sportivest pierroisecourse et nature | V2 H | 14 | 08:25:16 | 02:36:18 | France |
172 | 2753 | François CAILLY | ASPTT | V2 H | 15 | 08:26:23 | 02:37:25 | France |
173 | 2745 | Vincent MARTIN DUPRAY | SE H | 83 | 08:26:40 | 02:37:42 | France | |
174 | 2507 | Clément TRUFFAULT | SE H | 84 | 08:26:45 | 02:37:47 | France | |
175 | 2579 | Stanislas GRUAU | SE H | 85 | 08:28:07 | 02:39:09 | France | |
176 | 2213 | Olivier BERSOT | V1 H | 67 | 08:28:10 | 02:39:12 | France | |
177 | 2278 | Cheri FINE | V1 F | 4 | 08:28:12 | 02:39:14 | Etats-Unis | |
178 | 2558 | Laurent PONCET | SE H | 86 | 08:28:16 | 02:39:18 | France | |
179 | 2580 | Olivier DE SOUANCE | SE H | 87 | 08:28:26 | 02:39:28 | France | |
180 | 3416 | Fabrice PERE | SE H | 88 | 08:28:40 | 02:39:42 | France | |
181 | 2705 | Philippe DEBADIER | SE H | 89 | 08:28:45 | 02:39:47 | France | |
182 | 877 | Denis POMMERAY | V1 H | 68 | 08:29:01 | 02:40:03 | France | |
183 | 2890 | Jason BROTHERHOOD | SE H | 90 | 08:29:07 | 02:40:09 | Royaume-Uni | |
183 | 2868 | Simon EARLEY | hinckley runing club | V1 H | 69 | 08:29:07 | 02:40:09 | Royaume-Uni |
185 | 2920 | Oscar LOPEZ | SANTOÑA | V1 H | 70 | 08:29:13 | 02:40:15 | Espagne |
186 | 2650 | Arnaud DETHOREY | SE H | 91 | 08:30:00 | 02:41:02 | France | |
187 | 2035 | Jerome GAUTRON | VAL DE REUIL AC | SE H | 92 | 08:30:04 | 02:41:06 | France |
188 | 2635 | Fabien MORELLE | V1 H | 71 | 08:30:10 | 02:41:12 | France | |
189 | 3116 | Elric LE MEUR | trail athlitude cuers | V1 H | 72 | 08:30:26 | 02:41:28 | France |
190 | 2814 | Xavier BROUSSE | MARNE ET GONDOIRE ATHLETISME | V1 H | 73 | 08:30:41 | 02:41:43 | France |
191 | 2475 | Laurent CLOATRE | HERBAUGES AC | V1 H | 74 | 08:30:59 | 02:42:01 | France |
192 | 2554 | Edwin BIRSTEIN | SE H | 93 | 08:31:34 | 02:42:36 | France | |
193 | 3367 | Pierre CAMAGNA | V1 H | 75 | 08:32:15 | 02:43:17 | France | |
194 | 2406 | Guillaume RICHARD | SE H | 94 | 08:32:39 | 02:43:41 | France | |
195 | 2831 | Mike NATIVEL | SE H | 95 | 08:32:46 | 02:43:48 | France | |
196 | 2799 | Yves TEYNIE | Intersport Vannes | V1 H | 76 | 08:33:19 | 02:44:21 | France |
197 | 2817 | Alexandre PAGOT | TR10 | SE H | 96 | 08:33:32 | 02:44:34 | France |
198 | 2480 | Michael DEPARPE | SE H | 97 | 08:33:48 | 02:44:50 | France | |
199 | 2762 | Alexandre DUHAMEL | V1 H | 77 | 08:33:52 | 02:44:54 | France | |
200 | 3034 | Guillaume DUPRE | AS Groupe SFR | V1 H | 78 | 08:34:02 | 02:45:04 | France |
201 | 3421 | Patrice LE BRAS | Pordic | SE H | 98 | 08:34:21 | 02:45:23 | France |
202 | 404 | Xavier MOIROUD | SE H | 99 | 08:34:48 | 02:45:50 | France | |
203 | 289 | Benoit LOBRY | AC Villeneuve d'Ascq | SE H | 100 | 08:35:05 | 02:46:07 | France |
204 | 2343 | Antoine BARTHELEMY | ACBB Athlétisme | V1 H | 79 | 08:35:08 | 02:46:10 | France |
205 | 356 | Christophe ROOSEN | Beaumont Triathlon | V1 H | 80 | 08:35:29 | 02:46:31 | France |
205 | 2772 | Lionel GOMES ARANTES | BEAUMONT TRIATHLON | SE H | 101 | 08:35:29 | 02:46:31 | France |
207 | 3329 | Bruno CORRE | V1 H | 81 | 08:35:30 | 02:46:32 | France | |
208 | 2879 | Sebastien MOUREAUD | UA SOCIETE GENERALE | SE H | 102 | 08:35:35 | 02:46:37 | France |
209 | 2493 | Fabrice LEPEU | SE H | 103 | 08:35:58 | 02:47:00 | France | |
209 | 2218 | Benoit BURILLE | Championnet Sport | SE H | 103 | 08:35:58 | 02:47:00 | France |
211 | 3074 | Christian OUVRARD | V3 H | 2 | 08:36:05 | 02:47:07 | France | |
212 | 553 | Gianfranco PARADISO | USAC CAFASSE | V2 H | 16 | 08:36:17 | 02:47:19 | Italie |
213 | 2611 | Christophe PARY | 1353496 | V1 H | 82 | 08:36:29 | 02:47:31 | France |
214 | 2984 | Philippe GOUTERON | CSC KRONENBOURG | SE H | 105 | 08:36:38 | 02:47:40 | France |
215 | 491 | Cyril LELEVET | V1 H | 83 | 08:36:53 | 02:47:55 | France | |
216 | 3203 | François LABUZE | V1 H | 84 | 08:37:06 | 02:48:08 | France | |
216 | 3202 | Thierry PROVENDIER | V1 H | 84 | 08:37:06 | 02:48:08 | France | |
218 | 458 | Fabrice NORMAND | V1 H | 86 | 08:37:14 | 02:48:16 | France | |
219 | 2928 | Ramon CASANOVAS | SE H | 106 | 08:37:19 | 02:48:21 | Suisse | |
220 | 3394 | Fabrice GALLOIS | ESF Reims Athlétisme | V1 H | 87 | 08:38:28 | 02:49:30 | France |
221 | 2686 | Tiffany LE TARTESSE | SOBHI SPORT VANNES | SE F | 4 | 08:38:37 | 02:49:39 | France |
222 | 3397 | Alexandre CAUMONT | V1 H | 88 | 08:38:44 | 02:49:46 | France | |
223 | 1054 | Sylvain RUYER | Foulées de saint germain en laye | V1 H | 89 | 08:38:46 | 02:49:48 | France |
224 | 2051 | Richard OHAYON | CO SAVIGNY-SUR-ORGE | V2 H | 17 | 08:39:00 | 02:50:02 | France |
225 | 509 | Frédéric DUBOIS | VS CHARTRES ATHLETISME | V1 H | 90 | 08:39:05 | 02:50:07 | France |
226 | 3021 | Pascal COINDEAU | SA Montrouge Paris 12 | V2 H | 18 | 08:39:29 | 02:50:31 | France |
227 | 770 | Sylvain BARET | SE H | 107 | 08:39:31 | 02:50:33 | France | |
227 | 2104 | Christophe JOSSO | POMPIER VANNES AVENTURE | V1 H | 91 | 08:39:31 | 02:50:33 | France |
229 | 2221 | Jin CAO | Norges Bank Sports Association | SE H | 108 | 08:39:34 | 02:50:36 | Chine |
230 | 454 | Olivier RIQUARD | Team Raidlight | SE H | 109 | 08:39:52 | 02:50:54 | France |
231 | 190 | Francois LIGNEY | le souffle d'Orgerus | V2 H | 19 | 08:40:00 | 02:51:02 | France |
232 | 2681 | Grégory SOUCHON | US Arnage | SE H | 110 | 08:40:08 | 02:51:10 | France |
233 | 3417 | Stéphane BRAGARD | V1 H | 92 | 08:40:21 | 02:51:23 | France | |
234 | 2204 | Jean-Baptiste EWALD | SE H | 111 | 08:40:29 | 02:51:31 | France | |
235 | 2289 | Yannick SUCHAIRE | V1 H | 93 | 08:40:37 | 02:51:39 | France | |
236 | 3486 | Yannick LE GAC | aix savoie triathlon | V1 H | 94 | 08:41:08 | 02:52:10 | France |
237 | 2325 | Silvain DUCROS | FOULEES DE ST GERMAIN EN LAYE | V1 H | 95 | 08:41:13 | 02:52:15 | France |
238 | 2981 | Charles-Edouard LECLERE | CAF Dijon | SE H | 112 | 08:41:33 | 02:52:35 | France |
239 | 447 | Christian MEILHAC | AS ST JUNIEN | V1 H | 96 | 08:41:34 | 02:52:36 | France |
240 | 395 | Nicolas TREMAUDEUX | ASVA | V1 H | 97 | 08:41:49 | 02:52:51 | France |
241 | 3152 | Cyrille GUITARD | SE H | 113 | 08:43:12 | 02:54:14 | France | |
242 | 2602 | Thomas KIEDL | Sport am Wörthersee | V1 H | 98 | 08:43:25 | 02:54:27 | Autriche |
243 | 3343 | Christian GODE | V1 H | 99 | 08:43:45 | 02:54:47 | France | |
244 | 2604 | Chrystelle LAMBERT | SE F | 5 | 08:43:59 | 02:55:01 | France | |
245 | 2937 | Olivier DEKEYSER | SE H | 114 | 08:44:02 | 02:55:04 | France | |
246 | 2844 | Alexis VERTENSTEIN | SE H | 115 | 08:44:09 | 02:55:11 | France | |
247 | 2839 | Kostas HOUVARDAS | SE H | 116 | 08:44:50 | 02:55:52 | Grèce | |
248 | 2807 | Marin CHAUMET | ES H | 2 | 08:44:51 | 02:55:53 | France | |
249 | 329 | Thomas VITEAU | | V1 H | 100 | 08:45:01 | 02:56:03 | France |
250 | 2644 | Nicolas KUNZ | SE H | 117 | 08:45:14 | 02:56:16 | France | |
251 | 2731 | Fabien LENGRONNE | SE H | 118 | 08:45:29 | 02:56:31 | France | |
252 | 3279 | Patrick MORVAN | V1 H | 101 | 08:45:58 | 02:57:00 | France | |
253 | 2209 | Nicolas DRUBAY | courir pour le plaisir | SE H | 119 | 08:46:07 | 02:57:09 | France |
254 | 3313 | Antonio ANDRADES CHACON | V1 H | 102 | 08:46:21 | 02:57:23 | Espagne | |
255 | 2756 | raphael DELMARRE | SE H | 120 | 08:46:41 | 02:57:43 | France | |
256 | 2456 | Astrid Michelle LEU | V1 F | 5 | 08:46:47 | 02:57:49 | Suisse | |
257 | 456 | Thierry LACKOVIC | V2 H | 20 | 08:46:53 | 02:57:55 | France | |
258 | 2444 | Franck FOUCAUD | V2 H | 21 | 08:46:54 | 02:57:56 | France | |
259 | 364 | Hugues IBOS | Val de Reuil | V1 H | 103 | 08:46:56 | 02:57:58 | France |
260 | 126 | Philippe TREUIL | V2 H | 22 | 08:47:17 | 02:58:19 | France | |
261 | 310 | JEAN-NOEL RAYNAUD | MACADAM 77 | V2 H | 23 | 08:47:19 | 02:58:21 | France |
262 | 2913 | Julien MANGIN | SE H | 121 | 08:47:22 | 02:58:24 | France | |
263 | 2561 | Francois Xavier ROCHAT | V1 H | 104 | 08:47:24 | 02:58:26 | France | |
264 | 2233 | Hermann LE JALU | SE H | 122 | 08:47:45 | 02:58:47 | France | |
265 | 2617 | Jean-François MAGNE | AS GROUPE SFR | V1 H | 105 | 08:47:53 | 02:58:55 | France |
266 | 2011 | Benoit VOLATIER | V1 H | 106 | 08:47:55 | 02:58:57 | France | |
267 | 2996 | Damien DROUET | SE H | 123 | 08:47:56 | 02:58:58 | France | |
268 | 2994 | Philippe DROUET | V2 H | 24 | 08:48:10 | 02:59:12 | France | |
269 | 2037 | Jean-Luc THOMAS | CA ROMAINVILLE | V1 H | 107 | 08:48:13 | 02:59:15 | France |
270 | 3002 | Nicolas RIBOUD SAINCLAIR | V1 H | 108 | 08:48:29 | 02:59:31 | France | |
271 | 3004 | Michel RIBEIRO | gsva | V1 H | 109 | 08:48:52 | 02:59:54 | France |
272 | 3123 | Gilles TEISSERE | V1 H | 110 | 08:48:54 | 02:59:56 | France | |
273 | 163 | Fabien CENS | team trail explorer | V1 H | 111 | 08:49:40 | 03:00:42 | France |
274 | 2089 | Nicolas BESNARD | SE H | 124 | 08:49:49 | 03:00:51 | France | |
275 | 2158 | Patrick DARCHE | CHU BORDEAUX | V2 H | 25 | 08:49:52 | 03:00:54 | France |
276 | 3340 | Michel THOREL | ASPTT Yvelines | V3 H | 3 | 08:50:58 | 03:02:00 | France |
277 | 284 | Alain SCHMITT | MBDA SPORT ATHLETISME | V2 H | 26 | 08:51:27 | 03:02:29 | France |
278 | 3191 | Sébastien YHUEL | SE H | 125 | 08:51:28 | 03:02:30 | France | |
279 | 451 | Vincent THIBAUDAT | Team Raidlight | SE H | 126 | 08:51:43 | 03:02:45 | France |
280 | 575 | Sharon BROADWELL | V2 F | 1 | 08:52:08 | 03:03:10 | Norvège | |
281 | 2219 | Laurence HIGHNAM | Foulées de St Germain | V1 F | 6 | 08:52:39 | 03:03:41 | France |
281 | 2222 | Katia FOURNICHOT | Les Foulées de St Germain en Laye | V1 F | 6 | 08:52:39 | 03:03:41 | France |
283 | 2979 | Laurent MORJON | UNION SPORTIVE DE RIS ORANGIS | V1 H | 112 | 08:53:04 | 03:04:06 | France |
283 | 2980 | Yannick MANICORD | V1 H | 112 | 08:53:04 | 03:04:06 | France | |
285 | 3130 | Patrice VIOU | co chateau du loir | V1 H | 114 | 08:53:26 | 03:04:28 | France |
286 | 2591 | Frédéric ARNAUD | SE H | 127 | 08:53:56 | 03:04:58 | France | |
287 | 3097 | Bruno TURBE | CS PRESSTALIS | V1 H | 115 | 08:54:05 | 03:05:07 | France |
288 | 3105 | Rémi WILLIERVAL | SE H | 128 | 08:54:12 | 03:05:14 | France | |
289 | 3161 | Ruddy URIE | V1 H | 116 | 08:54:21 | 03:05:23 | France | |
290 | 154 | Stephane HOCHBERG | V1 H | 117 | 08:54:51 | 03:05:53 | France | |
291 | 3351 | Nicolas LEBOSSE | SE H | 129 | 08:54:56 | 03:05:58 | France | |
292 | 2116 | Jean Pierre LUCAS | V1 H | 118 | 08:55:05 | 03:06:07 | France | |
293 | 2021 | Oliver CUMMINGS | SE H | 130 | 08:55:09 | 03:06:11 | Royaume-Uni | |
294 | 2637 | Bruno CHARPENTIER | TRIATHLON SANNOIS FRANCONVILLE | SE H | 131 | 08:55:22 | 03:06:24 | France |
294 | 2606 | Sébastien BERNARD | SE H | 131 | 08:55:22 | 03:06:24 | France | |
296 | 2915 | Cédric JAOUEN | SE H | 133 | 08:55:23 | 03:06:25 | France | |
297 | 2933 | Jean WILLOCQ | auc section trail | SE H | 134 | 08:55:34 | 03:06:36 | France |
298 | 3480 | Hubert DE BEAUCHAMP | V1 H | 119 | 08:55:36 | 03:06:38 | France | |
299 | 2312 | Guillaume PETRIAT | SE H | 135 | 08:55:38 | 03:06:40 | France | |
300 | 2907 | Francis PHILBERT | V2 H | 27 | 08:55:50 | 03:06:52 | France | |
301 | 142 | Michel FERRE | V2 H | 28 | 08:56:00 | 03:07:02 | France | |
302 | 175 | Noël KHELOUI | ccr92 clamart course sur route | V1 H | 120 | 08:56:06 | 03:07:08 | France |
303 | 749 | Thibaut GENIN | SE H | 136 | 08:56:08 | 03:07:10 | France | |
304 | 254 | Guillaume BRITSCH | SE H | 137 | 08:56:09 | 03:07:11 | France | |
305 | 2100 | Jean Luc RECHT | V1 H | 121 | 08:56:14 | 03:07:16 | France | |
306 | 3095 | Christophe BREUZIN | A2M | V1 H | 122 | 08:56:17 | 03:07:19 | France |
307 | 564 | Emmanuel PETIT | SE H | 138 | 08:56:19 | 03:07:21 | France | |
308 | 2997 | Florence CASTAGNET | ACVV Vélizy | SE F | 6 | 08:56:24 | 03:07:26 | France |
309 | 2770 | Clément GUINOT | SE H | 139 | 08:56:33 | 03:07:35 | France | |
310 | 2649 | Jean-Marie LE LOUER | V2 H | 29 | 08:56:45 | 03:07:47 | France | |
311 | 3484 | Eric MARTIN | V1 H | 123 | 08:56:50 | 03:07:52 | France | |
312 | 231 | Carmen HILDEBRAND | SSC-Langnau | V1 F | 8 | 08:56:53 | 03:07:55 | Allemagne |
313 | 3372 | Jérôme RAMA | V1 H | 124 | 08:57:29 | 03:08:31 | France | |
314 | 2569 | Romain GARDIE | SE H | 140 | 08:57:56 | 03:08:58 | France | |
315 | 331 | Matthieu AUBIN | UA SOCIETE GENERALE | SE H | 141 | 08:58:13 | 03:09:15 | France |
315 | 2273 | Pierre BICHON | UA Societe Generale | SE H | 141 | 08:58:13 | 03:09:15 | France |
317 | 3267 | Pierre TIMON | V2 H | 30 | 08:58:22 | 03:09:24 | France | |
318 | 2566 | Juergen ZIEGLER | V1 H | 125 | 08:59:16 | 03:10:18 | Allemagne | |
319 | 2336 | Rafion BALAHACHI | Leyrenne AC/Spiridon Limousin/Team Mayotte Trail | SE H | 143 | 08:59:26 | 03:10:28 | France |
320 | 3205 | François ALAMARGOT | SE H | 144 | 08:59:35 | 03:10:37 | France | |
321 | 470 | Bruno LO SCALZO | NATIXIS | V2 H | 31 | 09:00:12 | 03:11:14 | France |
322 | 2743 | Pierre DENYS | ACFC le cateau | SE H | 145 | 09:00:19 | 03:11:21 | France |
323 | 2888 | Federica BUDONI | A.S.D. GLI ORSI | V1 F | 9 | 09:00:29 | 03:11:31 | Italie |
324 | 259 | Philippe GENEVAUX | SE H | 146 | 09:00:30 | 03:11:32 | France | |
325 | 3176 | Arnaud CADIEU | SE H | 147 | 09:00:34 | 03:11:36 | France | |
326 | 2577 | Mickaël COCHET | Brest Goelopeurs | SE H | 148 | 09:00:53 | 03:11:55 | France |
327 | 3241 | Frederic ISABELLA | V1 H | 126 | 09:00:54 | 03:11:56 | France | |
328 | 3572 | Etienne GOUBET | V1 H | 127 | 09:01:10 | 03:12:12 | France | |
329 | 3217 | Nadia RAHMANI | CAVA SPORT | V1 F | 10 | 09:01:14 | 03:12:16 | France |
330 | 2777 | Fabrice FAYOLLE | Sanary running | V1 H | 128 | 09:01:23 | 03:12:25 | France |
331 | 2366 | Romain PAULET | SE H | 149 | 09:01:44 | 03:12:46 | France | |
332 | 3128 | Julien MENTZER | V1 H | 129 | 09:01:58 | 03:13:00 | France | |
333 | 3129 | Martin ARSAC | SE H | 150 | 09:01:59 | 03:13:01 | France | |
334 | 314 | Olivier DESRUES | VRAC | V1 H | 130 | 09:02:16 | 03:13:18 | France |
335 | 486 | Jeannette ODERMATT | V1 F | 11 | 09:02:51 | 03:13:53 | Suisse | |
336 | 3471 | David BARAVIAN | V1 H | 131 | 09:03:12 | 03:14:14 | France | |
337 | 3094 | Bruno BACHELARD | V1 H | 132 | 09:03:16 | 03:14:18 | France | |
338 | 3304 | Pierrick LECOMTE | V1 H | 133 | 09:03:23 | 03:14:25 | France | |
339 | 3195 | Joel PRUNIER | CHARTRES METROPOLE TRIATHLON | V1 H | 134 | 09:03:24 | 03:14:26 | France |
340 | 317 | Cyril GAYET | SE H | 151 | 09:03:41 | 03:14:43 | France | |
341 | 682 | Serkan GIRGIN | ORDOS | SE H | 152 | 09:03:43 | 03:14:45 | Turquie |
342 | 3536 | Claude BROUDIC | SE H | 153 | 09:03:51 | 03:14:53 | France | |
343 | 2328 | Anthony ANNE | Stade Francais Triathlon | SE H | 154 | 09:04:06 | 03:15:08 | France |
344 | 3392 | Gérard GASNIER | V2 H | 32 | 09:04:13 | 03:15:15 | France | |
344 | 3439 | Thierry GERMAIN | V2 H | 32 | 09:04:13 | 03:15:15 | France | |
346 | 2155 | Patrick GUERIN | kikourou | V1 H | 135 | 09:04:35 | 03:15:37 | France |
347 | 2337 | Thierry LEONARD | V1 H | 136 | 09:04:41 | 03:15:43 | France | |
348 | 3257 | Loic PONGER | AS Muséum | SE H | 155 | 09:04:42 | 03:15:44 | France |
349 | 3505 | Thomas LANZI | Marne et Gondoire Athlétisme | SE H | 156 | 09:05:14 | 03:16:16 | France |
350 | 587 | Tristan ASSELINEAU | V1 H | 137 | 09:05:24 | 03:16:26 | France | |
351 | 210 | Corine GRUFFAZ | TRAILERS DU MOLE | V1 F | 12 | 09:05:33 | 03:16:35 | France |
352 | 1191 | Olivier GRUFFAZ | TRAILERS DU MOLE | V1 H | 138 | 09:05:34 | 03:16:36 | France |
353 | 3238 | Laurent FASQUEL | CMCAS CAEN | V1 H | 139 | 09:05:42 | 03:16:44 | France |
354 | 343 | Laurent SALMON | PSUC Orsay | V1 H | 140 | 09:05:52 | 03:16:54 | France |
355 | 1667 | Cyril DUCLOUX | SE H | 157 | 09:05:58 | 03:17:00 | France | |
356 | 3086 | Denis TESSIERES | V1 H | 141 | 09:06:19 | 03:17:21 | France | |
357 | 981 | Martin VEREECKEN | V1 H | 142 | 09:07:20 | 03:18:22 | Belgique | |
358 | 2942 | Yann YAMBA | SE H | 158 | 09:07:46 | 03:18:48 | France | |
359 | 2667 | Fabrice GOBERT | PSUC Athlétisme Orsay | V1 H | 143 | 09:07:48 | 03:18:50 | France |
360 | 2185 | Cedric SCIGACZ | athletisme club auscitain | V1 H | 144 | 09:08:04 | 03:19:06 | France |
361 | 2187 | Jean-Luc RIGOULET | AC Auch | V1 H | 145 | 09:08:05 | 03:19:07 | France |
362 | 2194 | Olivier PERRIER | UA societe generale | V1 H | 146 | 09:08:25 | 03:19:27 | France |
363 | 2317 | Jean-Marie BILLAUD | V2 H | 34 | 09:08:40 | 03:19:42 | France | |
364 | 3163 | Christophe AGUETTAZ | les foulées chablaisiennes | V2 H | 35 | 09:08:53 | 03:19:55 | France |
365 | 3255 | Giancarlo SEGLIANI | Led Running | V1 H | 147 | 09:09:28 | 03:20:30 | Italie |
366 | 3558 | Hervé GOMES | jcec | V2 H | 36 | 09:09:39 | 03:20:41 | France |
367 | 2652 | Damien RUMEAU | V1 H | 148 | 09:09:48 | 03:20:50 | France | |
368 | 3243 | Gregory SACHE | as foulees du vexin | V1 H | 149 | 09:09:54 | 03:20:56 | France |
369 | 2165 | HERVE DOUARRE | AC CELLOIS | V2 H | 37 | 09:10:02 | 03:21:04 | France |
370 | 2429 | Michael MOLLOY | V1 H | 150 | 09:10:26 | 03:21:28 | Etats-Unis | |
370 | 2614 | Clément LECLERCQ | SE H | 159 | 09:10:26 | 03:21:28 | France | |
372 | 3303 | Hervé THOMAS | V1 H | 151 | 09:10:28 | 03:21:30 | France | |
373 | 2714 | Arnaud SOULOUMIAC | Vanves Run Club 92 | V1 H | 152 | 09:10:44 | 03:21:46 | France |
374 | 3214 | Pierre DEMANGEAT | SE H | 160 | 09:10:52 | 03:21:54 | France | |
375 | 2160 | Pascal RINNER | V2 H | 38 | 09:10:55 | 03:21:57 | France | |
376 | 3542 | Florian VUILLAUME | SE H | 161 | 09:11:03 | 03:22:05 | France | |
376 | 3540 | Benoît LAVIGNE | SE H | 161 | 09:11:03 | 03:22:05 | France | |
378 | 3144 | Alain LEMMET | AO Charenton | V2 H | 39 | 09:11:15 | 03:22:17 | France |
379 | 2991 | Anais GAUDIN | UAOHV | SE F | 7 | 09:11:36 | 03:22:38 | France |
380 | 288 | Franck VEYSSET | V1 H | 153 | 09:11:37 | 03:22:39 | France | |
381 | 3374 | Benoit COLINART | ACBR | V2 H | 40 | 09:12:32 | 03:23:34 | France |
382 | 2448 | Christophe DUVAL-KIEFFER | V1 H | 154 | 09:12:39 | 03:23:41 | France | |
383 | 2993 | Dominique FEUTRE | Vélizy Triathlon | V2 H | 41 | 09:12:45 | 03:23:47 | France |
384 | 3056 | Jean-Francois CORBIER | V1 H | 155 | 09:13:12 | 03:24:14 | France | |
384 | 3055 | Stephane CORBIER | V1 H | 155 | 09:13:12 | 03:24:14 | France | |
386 | 3373 | Marc ABRY | SE H | 163 | 09:13:25 | 03:24:27 | France | |
387 | 2545 | Miguel Angel BRAVO NUEVO | SE H | 164 | 09:13:31 | 03:24:33 | Espagne | |
387 | 2843 | Marc BANNIER | SE H | 164 | 09:13:31 | 03:24:33 | France | |
389 | 2864 | Paolo D'ERAMO | Asd CUS Brescia | V1 H | 157 | 09:13:46 | 03:24:48 | Italie |
390 | 3321 | Michel POLETTI | CHAMONIX MONT-BLANC MARATHON | V2 H | 42 | 09:13:53 | 03:24:55 | France |
391 | 3024 | Yann POIRSON | SE H | 166 | 09:14:22 | 03:25:24 | France | |
392 | 3312 | Arthur JOURDAN | SE H | 167 | 09:14:51 | 03:25:53 | France | |
393 | 2418 | Guillaume SCHNEIDER-MAUNOURY | V2 H | 43 | 09:14:58 | 03:26:00 | France | |
394 | 3309 | DAVID DESVAUX | ENDURANCE 72 | V1 H | 158 | 09:15:24 | 03:26:26 | France |
395 | 3006 | Jose Luis DIAZ RUIZ | SE H | 168 | 09:15:25 | 03:26:27 | Espagne | |
396 | 3285 | Pedro CAYUELA SANCHEZ | V1 H | 159 | 09:15:27 | 03:26:29 | Espagne | |
397 | 2159 | Stephane MARTIN | V1 H | 160 | 09:15:30 | 03:26:32 | France | |
398 | 2367 | Sandrine CENS | SE F | 8 | 09:15:34 | 03:26:36 | France | |
399 | 2230 | Christian BONENFANT | GAG GIF SUR YVETTE | V2 H | 44 | 09:15:35 | 03:26:37 | France |
400 | 2323 | Emmanuel BALLANGER | spiridon crèchois | V1 H | 161 | 09:15:38 | 03:26:40 | France |
401 | 2944 | Jerome VANDEWIELE | SMAC | V1 H | 162 | 09:15:47 | 03:26:49 | France |
402 | 2736 | Els DEPUYDT | V1 F | 13 | 09:15:53 | 03:26:55 | Belgique | |
403 | 87 | Eric SAUVINEAU | V1 H | 163 | 09:16:08 | 03:27:10 | France | |
404 | 3078 | Claude ROUSSEAU | V2 H | 45 | 09:16:14 | 03:27:16 | France | |
405 | 2297 | Benoit TRISTANT | cyclo club rivesaltes | V1 H | 164 | 09:16:20 | 03:27:22 | France |
406 | 2415 | Guillaume LEVRARD | SE H | 169 | 09:16:23 | 03:27:25 | France | |
407 | 531 | David FAWKNER | V1 H | 165 | 09:16:34 | 03:27:36 | Royaume-Uni | |
408 | 206 | Dominique PHILIPPOT | | V2 H | 46 | 09:16:35 | 03:27:37 | France |
409 | 2735 | Laurent JANOWSKI | as lainiere de picardie | V1 H | 166 | 09:16:39 | 03:27:41 | France |
410 | 2612 | Marie FROTTIER | V1 F | 14 | 09:16:45 | 03:27:47 | France | |
411 | 2361 | Pascal DIAS | YERRES AC | V1 H | 167 | 09:16:46 | 03:27:48 | France |
411 | 2999 | Benoit VASSET | YERRES AC | SE H | 170 | 09:16:46 | 03:27:48 | France |
413 | 3286 | Jean-Louis AUDITEAU | V2 H | 47 | 09:17:39 | 03:28:41 | France | |
414 | 2491 | Olivier POULAIN | TC VAL | V1 H | 168 | 09:17:48 | 03:28:50 | France |
415 | 3019 | stéphane BERUEL | triathlon club val saint père | V1 H | 169 | 09:17:54 | 03:28:56 | France |
416 | 2257 | Richard AERNOUT | SE H | 171 | 09:18:10 | 03:29:12 | France | |
417 | 3465 | Dennis VANDENBUSSCHE | Racing Bruxelles | SE H | 172 | 09:18:20 | 03:29:22 | Belgique |
418 | 2225 | Olivier SCHMIDT | Club de Courbevoie Triathlon | SE H | 173 | 09:18:27 | 03:29:29 | France |
419 | 2914 | Thierry TOUZE | V2 H | 48 | 09:18:43 | 03:29:45 | France | |
420 | 3360 | Annick BALLOT | V1 F | 15 | 09:19:55 | 03:30:57 | France | |
421 | 1010 | Samuel LAMMENS | natixis | V2 H | 49 | 09:20:02 | 03:31:04 | France |
422 | 2958 | Gilles ROUX | V1 H | 170 | 09:20:08 | 03:31:10 | France | |
423 | 2701 | Stéphane BOUTRON | V1 H | 171 | 09:21:13 | 03:32:15 | France | |
424 | 2791 | Christian BAS | V1 H | 172 | 09:21:42 | 03:32:44 | France | |
425 | 2621 | Andre-Jean VIEAU | caes-cnrs | SE H | 174 | 09:21:43 | 03:32:45 | France |
426 | 524 | Nicolas MANCEAU | V1 H | 173 | 09:21:48 | 03:32:50 | France | |
427 | 2188 | Damien VIALLE | SE H | 175 | 09:22:05 | 03:33:07 | France | |
428 | 2634 | Mikael MELTO | Team Raidlight | V1 H | 174 | 09:22:11 | 03:33:13 | Suède |
429 | 3414 | Jacky HECKMANN | ESF Reims Athlétisme | V2 H | 50 | 09:22:13 | 03:33:15 | France |
430 | 2413 | Nicolas POISSANT | V1 H | 175 | 09:22:16 | 03:33:18 | France | |
431 | 2271 | Remy ETHEVE | SE H | 176 | 09:22:17 | 03:33:19 | France | |
432 | 808 | Philippe BENTOLILA | Élan Chevilly Larue | V1 H | 176 | 09:22:25 | 03:33:27 | France |
433 | 2489 | Olivier JOUFFREY | CCSC | V1 H | 177 | 09:22:37 | 03:33:39 | France |
433 | 578 | Philippe GABILLAULT | V1 H | 177 | 09:22:37 | 03:33:39 | France | |
435 | 2521 | Gaëtan POIRSON | VHSO - Team Raidlight | SE H | 177 | 09:23:08 | 03:34:10 | France |
436 | 2855 | Claude BLOT | Saint Guinoux Détente et Passion | V2 H | 51 | 09:23:11 | 03:34:13 | France |
437 | 3039 | Dominique MORVAN | Courir à Kerhuon | V1 H | 179 | 09:23:15 | 03:34:17 | France |
438 | 1144 | Fabien PARMANTIER | SE H | 178 | 09:23:21 | 03:34:23 | France | |
439 | 3375 | Yahia HADJ HAMOU | V1 H | 180 | 09:23:37 | 03:34:39 | Algérie | |
439 | 3600 | Mouloud MENCEUR | V1 H | 180 | 09:23:37 | 03:34:39 | France | |
441 | 2955 | Philippe BUTEUX | SE H | 179 | 09:23:45 | 03:34:47 | France | |
442 | 881 | Franck MONCOMBLE | V1 H | 182 | 09:23:59 | 03:35:01 | France | |
443 | 2746 | Damien CATIGNOL | SE H | 180 | 09:24:17 | 03:35:19 | France | |
444 | 3539 | David LELEVET | V1 H | 183 | 09:24:25 | 03:35:27 | France | |
445 | 3384 | Alain PARIS | Hong Kong Trail Runner Club | V1 H | 184 | 09:24:36 | 03:35:38 | France |
446 | 922 | Karine LEVY | SE F | 9 | 09:24:49 | 03:35:51 | France | |
446 | 3333 | Jonathan THUEZ | SE H | 181 | 09:24:49 | 03:35:51 | France | |
448 | 2499 | Nicolas VERDES | ENDORPHINMAG | V1 H | 185 | 09:25:27 | 03:36:29 | France |
449 | 3223 | Odabasoglu CANER | SE H | 182 | 09:25:36 | 03:36:38 | Turquie | |
450 | 3552 | Charles Henri FOUQUET | SE H | 183 | 09:26:19 | 03:37:21 | France | |
451 | 2976 | Nicolas ROUSSEAU | SE H | 184 | 09:26:23 | 03:37:25 | France | |
452 | 2372 | Thierry RIGUET | TEAM TRAIL EXPLORER | V1 H | 186 | 09:26:37 | 03:37:39 | France |
453 | 845 | Patrick FOURNIER | VAL-DE-REUIL AC | V2 H | 52 | 09:27:18 | 03:38:20 | France |
454 | 2676 | Christophe GUILLAUME | WALLABIS | V1 H | 187 | 09:27:29 | 03:38:31 | France |
455 | 2951 | Alun THOMAS | SE H | 185 | 09:27:45 | 03:38:47 | Royaume-Uni | |
456 | 2740 | Fabio CHIAVAROLI | Podisti Frentani | V1 H | 188 | 09:27:56 | 03:38:58 | Italie |
456 | 2741 | Maria Teresa CANNUCCIA | ASD RUNNING EVOLUTION | SE F | 10 | 09:27:56 | 03:38:58 | Italie |
458 | 3178 | Vincent MOINET | SE H | 186 | 09:27:57 | 03:38:59 | France | |
459 | 3182 | Guillaume CHAIGNON | SE H | 187 | 09:27:58 | 03:39:00 | France | |
460 | 2680 | Cyril TOUR | V1 H | 189 | 09:28:06 | 03:39:08 | France | |
461 | 2544 | Clément BIDAUD | SE H | 188 | 09:28:07 | 03:39:09 | France | |
462 | 3541 | Eric LEBLACHER | MUTUELLE BLEUE | SE H | 189 | 09:28:19 | 03:39:21 | France |
463 | 751 | Franck CARLE | V1 H | 190 | 09:28:20 | 03:39:22 | France | |
464 | 2389 | Olivier VARNEWYCK | SE H | 190 | 09:28:24 | 03:39:26 | France | |
465 | 2910 | Valery BERTRAND | RBC Runners | SE H | 191 | 09:28:40 | 03:39:42 | Belgique |
466 | 3064 | Pascal MOREL | TRAIL ROUMARE 76 | V1 H | 191 | 09:29:11 | 03:40:13 | France |
467 | 3469 | Mickael MAZOUE | V1 H | 192 | 09:29:13 | 03:40:15 | France | |
468 | 2206 | patrice PRIEUR | V1 H | 193 | 09:29:32 | 03:40:34 | France | |
469 | 2223 | Laurent LESSMANN | A.C.A Auch | V1 H | 194 | 09:29:52 | 03:40:54 | France |
470 | 2088 | Ludovic GRZES | V1 H | 195 | 09:30:05 | 03:41:07 | France | |
471 | 2674 | christophe LOUET | Le Mée sports athlétisme | SE H | 192 | 09:30:09 | 03:41:11 | France |
472 | 1105 | Philippe GHESQUIERE | V1 H | 196 | 09:30:10 | 03:41:12 | France | |
473 | 2783 | Olivier NORCA | issy triathlon | SE H | 193 | 09:30:27 | 03:41:29 | France |
474 | 2929 | Alain SCHEFFMANN | V1 H | 197 | 09:30:40 | 03:41:42 | France | |
475 | 2818 | Thibault HUGON | SE H | 194 | 09:30:43 | 03:41:45 | France | |
476 | 3208 | Matthieu MICHAUD | SE H | 195 | 09:30:46 | 03:41:48 | France | |
477 | 2339 | Jérôme LAGUERRE | V1 H | 198 | 09:30:58 | 03:42:00 | France | |
478 | 3377 | Patrick LEGER | SE H | 196 | 09:31:04 | 03:42:06 | France | |
479 | 2126 | Ronan LUMBROSO | ACBB | V1 H | 199 | 09:31:10 | 03:42:12 | France |
480 | 2120 | Fabien CARDOT | SNLS44 | SE H | 197 | 09:31:11 | 03:42:13 | France |
481 | 2202 | Guillaume COUTAND | SNLS44 | SE H | 198 | 09:31:12 | 03:42:14 | France |
482 | 619 | Jacques FOUACHE | V2 H | 53 | 09:31:17 | 03:42:19 | France | |
483 | 830 | Damien BAUDRAS | TO BE SPORT | SE H | 199 | 09:31:25 | 03:42:27 | France |
484 | 3232 | Matthieu FLATRES | SE H | 200 | 09:31:27 | 03:42:29 | France | |
485 | 3063 | Pascal AMAUDRUT | MEGA | V2 H | 54 | 09:31:30 | 03:42:32 | France |
486 | 2375 | Thomas GARBE | SE H | 201 | 09:32:01 | 03:43:03 | France | |
487 | 3271 | Géraldine MENGUY | SE F | 11 | 09:32:13 | 03:43:15 | France | |
488 | 1395 | Christophe GALLEMAND | SE H | 202 | 09:32:16 | 03:43:18 | France | |
489 | 2819 | Jean-Yves DUVAL | Val de Reuil Athletic Club | V1 H | 200 | 09:32:20 | 03:43:22 | France |
490 | 2809 | Sébastien GUILLAUMINAUD | CAP Sanofi Pasteur | SE H | 203 | 09:32:21 | 03:43:23 | France |
491 | 2266 | Ludovic MARCHAND | SE H | 204 | 09:32:29 | 03:43:31 | France | |
492 | 3370 | Jean-Marc GAUTHIER | V1 H | 201 | 09:32:30 | 03:43:32 | France | |
493 | 3082 | Nicolò CANTONI | ASD Kino Mana | SE H | 205 | 09:32:39 | 03:43:41 | Italie |
493 | 2900 | Yves CHABOREL | V2 H | 55 | 09:32:39 | 03:43:41 | France | |
495 | 2417 | Lisa RIVERA | SE F | 12 | 09:32:41 | 03:43:43 | Etats-Unis | |
496 | 2362 | Maxime BOUDOT | SE H | 206 | 09:33:08 | 03:44:10 | France | |
497 | 3409 | Hervé PIERRE | V1 H | 202 | 09:33:09 | 03:44:11 | France | |
498 | 2761 | Marc Antoine GILLOIR | SE H | 207 | 09:33:36 | 03:44:38 | France | |
499 | 2190 | Philippe VERSAEVEL | V1 H | 203 | 09:33:37 | 03:44:39 | France | |
499 | 2859 | Richard AUBERT | BUSSY RUNNING | V2 H | 56 | 09:33:37 | 03:44:39 | France |
501 | 2382 | Thierry BRIOT | V2 H | 57 | 09:33:45 | 03:44:47 | France | |
502 | 3556 | Michel STOICANESCO | V2 H | 58 | 09:33:46 | 03:44:48 | France | |
503 | 1595 | Thomas BOULLOT | SE H | 208 | 09:33:58 | 03:45:00 | France | |
504 | 695 | Jean-Bernard CORRE | Team Raidlight | SE H | 209 | 09:34:08 | 03:45:10 | France |
505 | 1051 | Nicolas VINCENT | V1 H | 204 | 09:34:11 | 03:45:13 | France | |
506 | 911 | Fabien PRIN | beaumont triathlon | V1 H | 205 | 09:34:34 | 03:45:36 | France |
507 | 2514 | Guillaume BONVIN | ES H | 3 | 09:34:44 | 03:45:46 | Suisse | |
508 | 3145 | Dominique RIMBEAULT | chato capvtt | V2 H | 59 | 09:34:47 | 03:45:49 | France |
509 | 3259 | Victor FERREIRA | V1 H | 206 | 09:34:48 | 03:45:50 | Portugal | |
510 | 2384 | Jörg STACHOWIAK | V1 H | 207 | 09:34:49 | 03:45:51 | Allemagne | |
511 | 825 | Yann ROUXEL | V2 H | 60 | 09:34:55 | 03:45:57 | France | |
512 | 3215 | lucky LEBRUN | les fondus sezannais | V1 H | 208 | 09:34:57 | 03:45:59 | France |
513 | 3242 | Hervé LE FLAHEC | Verneuil Oxygene | V2 H | 61 | 09:35:16 | 03:46:18 | France |
514 | 3581 | Pascal HEURTAUT | V2 H | 62 | 09:35:29 | 03:46:31 | France | |
515 | 2200 | PASCAL COMBALBERT | V1 H | 209 | 09:35:31 | 03:46:33 | France | |
516 | 828 | Gregoire HIRTZ | SE H | 210 | 09:35:34 | 03:46:36 | France | |
517 | 2588 | Christophe GUILLEMIN | SE H | 211 | 09:35:39 | 03:46:41 | France | |
518 | 2699 | Pierre MANGIN | ASVCM AVENTURE PEDESTRE | SE H | 212 | 09:35:43 | 03:46:45 | France |
519 | 2998 | Charles MAGNINAT | SE H | 213 | 09:35:54 | 03:46:56 | France | |
520 | 2766 | Pascal PETOIN | V2 H | 63 | 09:35:56 | 03:46:58 | France | |
521 | 2177 | Stève LACROIX | V1 H | 210 | 09:35:59 | 03:47:01 | France | |
522 | 3328 | Christophe LE NAOUR | V1 H | 211 | 09:36:02 | 03:47:04 | France | |
523 | 3406 | Thibault BATAILLE | SE H | 214 | 09:36:10 | 03:47:12 | Belgique | |
524 | 737 | Bart ABEN | V1 H | 212 | 09:36:29 | 03:47:31 | Pays-Bas | |
525 | 2078 | Francois COMPAGNON | V1 H | 213 | 09:36:36 | 03:47:38 | France | |
526 | 1197 | Christian PERRIER | V2 H | 64 | 09:36:40 | 03:47:42 | France | |
527 | 1593 | Philippe SANCIER | V3 H | 4 | 09:36:44 | 03:47:46 | France | |
528 | 945 | Jean-Pascal BALMOZE | V1 H | 214 | 09:37:02 | 03:48:04 | France | |
529 | 2238 | Stéphane MAIGNAN | V1 H | 215 | 09:37:22 | 03:48:24 | France | |
529 | 2239 | Fabrice LEVEQUE | V1 H | 215 | 09:37:22 | 03:48:24 | France | |
531 | 448 | Patrice POREE | V1 H | 217 | 09:37:38 | 03:48:40 | France | |
532 | 2303 | Jean-Loup FENAUX | V1 H | 218 | 09:38:04 | 03:49:06 | France | |
533 | 723 | Philippe BIZOT | Stade Français | V1 H | 219 | 09:38:21 | 03:49:23 | France |
534 | 3315 | Christophe GOSSELIN | val de reuil triathlon | V1 H | 220 | 09:38:51 | 03:49:53 | France |
535 | 2870 | Joël FRADET | V2 H | 65 | 09:38:52 | 03:49:54 | France | |
536 | 3336 | Bruno BENARD | AS BOURSE DE PARIS | V2 H | 66 | 09:39:09 | 03:50:11 | France |
537 | 2465 | Jean-Marc QUEMON | PASS RUNNING | SE H | 215 | 09:39:10 | 03:50:12 | France |
538 | 2197 | Fabien FRIEH | foulées de saint germain en laye | V1 H | 221 | 09:39:12 | 03:50:14 | France |
539 | 2794 | Dominique GUERET | FR'ANSE | V1 H | 222 | 09:39:41 | 03:50:43 | France |
540 | 3160 | Bruno JACQUET | V3 H | 5 | 09:39:44 | 03:50:46 | France | |
541 | 2235 | David REGNOUF | SE H | 216 | 09:40:19 | 03:51:21 | France | |
542 | 3378 | Laurent PUYAL | TCSQY | SE H | 217 | 09:40:36 | 03:51:38 | France |
543 | 3025 | Noel PARMENTIER | SE H | 218 | 09:40:37 | 03:51:39 | France | |
544 | 2872 | David CARTRON | raid autize | V1 H | 223 | 09:41:03 | 03:52:05 | France |
545 | 2249 | Sylvain GASQUET | SE H | 219 | 09:41:17 | 03:52:19 | France | |
546 | 3395 | Eric FERREIRA ALVES | efsreims athletisme | V1 H | 224 | 09:41:57 | 03:52:59 | France |
546 | 3481 | Pierre-Anf=dré AVIGNON | UNION NORD EST 95 A | V2 H | 67 | 09:41:57 | 03:52:59 | France |
548 | 277 | Laurent LEFEBVRE | V1 H | 225 | 09:42:07 | 03:53:09 | France | |
549 | 2536 | Jean-Philippe BOURLIER | V1 H | 226 | 09:42:21 | 03:53:23 | France | |
550 | 2764 | Henri RICHARD | Clain Athétique Pictave Poitiers | V3 H | 6 | 09:42:35 | 03:53:37 | France |
551 | 546 | Marcel BODIN | V2 H | 68 | 09:42:36 | 03:53:38 | France | |
552 | 3181 | Stefan SONS | V1 H | 227 | 09:43:20 | 03:54:22 | Allemagne | |
553 | 2087 | Laurent MARIE | V1 H | 228 | 09:43:21 | 03:54:23 | France | |
554 | 3219 | Aurelien MARCK | SE H | 220 | 09:43:22 | 03:54:24 | France | |
555 | 2712 | Arnaud DEGRUGILLIER | SE H | 221 | 09:43:53 | 03:54:55 | France | |
556 | 3426 | Lionel ROCUET | SE H | 222 | 09:44:07 | 03:55:09 | France | |
556 | 2228 | Anne-Marie MAUGER | OXYGENE BELBEUF | V1 F | 16 | 09:44:07 | 03:55:09 | France |
558 | 662 | Stéphane PINARD | Triath Club Etampois | SE H | 223 | 09:44:08 | 03:55:10 | France |
559 | 2227 | Marc FRAYSSINET | V1 H | 229 | 09:44:15 | 03:55:17 | France | |
560 | 571 | Noriko SUGIYAMA | V1 F | 17 | 09:44:17 | 03:55:19 | Japon | |
561 | 2533 | Hugues DE LA ROULIERE | V1 H | 230 | 09:44:22 | 03:55:24 | France | |
562 | 2390 | Agnes DE CAUSMAECKER | V2 F | 2 | 09:44:47 | 03:55:49 | Belgique | |
563 | 3076 | Jérémy JOURDAN-MARQUES | SE H | 224 | 09:44:50 | 03:55:52 | France | |
564 | 2144 | Steve PERRIGUET | SE H | 225 | 09:44:51 | 03:55:53 | France | |
564 | 2285 | Sylvain FAYOL | V1 H | 231 | 09:44:51 | 03:55:53 | France | |
566 | 3096 | Florent VISNADI | SE H | 226 | 09:45:12 | 03:56:14 | France | |
567 | 2882 | Thierry LAUX | xv athletic club | V1 H | 232 | 09:45:35 | 03:56:37 | France |
568 | 2252 | Tanguy SIMIER | SE H | 227 | 09:45:42 | 03:56:44 | France | |
568 | 3445 | Kevin BRAIDY | SE H | 227 | 09:45:42 | 03:56:44 | France | |
570 | 2329 | Jean-François ROBINET | Athlétic Club Auscitain | V1 H | 233 | 09:45:53 | 03:56:55 | France |
571 | 3136 | Bruno PRIVAT | V2 H | 69 | 09:46:00 | 03:57:02 | France | |
572 | 3173 | Thierry LIOTARD | LES PATTES AU BEURRE | V2 H | 70 | 09:46:13 | 03:57:15 | France |
573 | 2829 | Remi GOUJON | ELAN 91 - S/L US Palaiseau | V1 H | 234 | 09:46:42 | 03:57:44 | France |
574 | 2563 | Patrick BARRE | V1 H | 235 | 09:47:06 | 03:58:08 | France | |
575 | 1028 | Jacky HERAUVILLE | GENDARMERIE NATIONALE - courir c le pied | V2 H | 71 | 09:47:07 | 03:58:09 | France |
576 | 3248 | Christian JOUAN | marne et gondoire | V2 H | 72 | 09:47:13 | 03:58:15 | France |
577 | 527 | Eddy LEBOSSE | CS L'OREAL | SE H | 229 | 09:47:38 | 03:58:40 | France |
578 | 3264 | Karl FLAMME | SE H | 230 | 09:47:49 | 03:58:51 | France | |
579 | 621 | Gilles VERMILLON | Ass. CastelTrail | V2 H | 73 | 09:47:50 | 03:58:52 | France |
580 | 554 | Nicolas JAN | SE H | 231 | 09:48:00 | 03:59:02 | France | |
581 | 3332 | Jean Marc LHERMET | V2 H | 74 | 09:48:07 | 03:59:09 | France | |
582 | 2373 | Benjamin GORGET | SE H | 232 | 09:48:08 | 03:59:10 | France | |
583 | 3326 | Gael DE REMOND DU CHELAS | SE H | 233 | 09:48:12 | 03:59:14 | France | |
584 | 539 | Rose-Aimée CADRAN | Union Sportive Ris Orangis | V2 F | 3 | 09:48:22 | 03:59:24 | France |
585 | 3576 | Nicolas PICHOT | SE H | 234 | 09:48:34 | 03:59:36 | France | |
586 | 3211 | Steeve GRIMONT | Colmar MC team trail | SE H | 235 | 09:48:36 | 03:59:38 | France |
586 | 3164 | Yoann LECORPS | SE H | 235 | 09:48:36 | 03:59:38 | France | |
588 | 399 | Frederic VAN DIJK | US Palaiseau Elan 91 | V1 H | 236 | 09:49:40 | 04:00:42 | France |
588 | 3008 | Sergio ALVES | SE H | 237 | 09:49:40 | 04:00:42 | France | |
590 | 2684 | Vincent FAURE | V1 H | 237 | 09:49:46 | 04:00:48 | France | |
591 | 2459 | Pierre-Francois HONORE | V1 H | 238 | 09:50:00 | 04:01:02 | France | |
591 | 2335 | Gaël HERENT | SE H | 238 | 09:50:00 | 04:01:02 | France | |
593 | 3016 | Rémy CHEVALLIER | COURBEVOIE TRIATHLON | SE H | 239 | 09:50:12 | 04:01:14 | France |
594 | 3108 | Thomas SCHWARZ | SE H | 240 | 09:51:13 | 04:02:15 | France | |
594 | 2435 | Franck ARRIGONI | Team Raidlight | V1 H | 239 | 09:51:13 | 04:02:15 | France |
596 | 2813 | Olivier NEGRE | SE H | 241 | 09:51:17 | 04:02:19 | France | |
597 | 883 | Thierry CAREL | AS CREDIT FONCIER | V1 H | 240 | 09:51:19 | 04:02:21 | France |
597 | 2149 | Ludovic LEVIEL | SE H | 242 | 09:51:19 | 04:02:21 | France | |
599 | 2148 | Jérôme LASTAPIS | SE H | 243 | 09:51:20 | 04:02:22 | France | |
600 | 2224 | Marc SCHMIDT | SE H | 244 | 09:51:36 | 04:02:38 | France | |
601 | 508 | Francine HERVIER | V2 F | 4 | 09:52:43 | 04:03:45 | France | |
602 | 234 | Bruno BATISSE | V1 H | 241 | 09:52:56 | 04:03:58 | France | |
602 | 944 | Benoit MOSSET | V1 H | 241 | 09:52:56 | 04:03:58 | France | |
604 | 3065 | José DE SOUSA | V3 H | 7 | 09:53:02 | 04:04:04 | Portugal | |
605 | 2518 | Eddie RESTELLI | V1 H | 243 | 09:53:07 | 04:04:09 | France | |
606 | 2792 | Benoit FREDUREAU | DRAVEIL TRIATHLON | SE H | 245 | 09:53:40 | 04:04:42 | France |
607 | 3050 | Gilles BAUDOUX | touquet opale athletisme | V1 H | 244 | 09:53:42 | 04:04:44 | France |
608 | 2026 | Christian HECKMANN | MBDA SPORT ATHLETISME | V1 H | 245 | 09:53:44 | 04:04:46 | France |
609 | 2245 | Joseph LE GUEN | oxygene guipavas | V2 H | 75 | 09:53:45 | 04:04:47 | France |
610 | 2086 | Mark WHITING | V1 H | 246 | 09:54:00 | 04:05:02 | Royaume-Uni | |
611 | 3137 | Andreas SCHONFELD | Osterather TV | V2 H | 76 | 09:54:02 | 04:05:04 | Allemagne |
612 | 3427 | Philippe DEVILLE | V2 H | 77 | 09:54:53 | 04:05:55 | Belgique | |
613 | 1410 | Emmanuel ROMAN | SE H | 246 | 09:54:54 | 04:05:56 | France | |
614 | 863 | Vincent NARBAUD | Amicale de Neuville Athlétisme | V1 H | 247 | 09:55:24 | 04:06:26 | France |
615 | 2950 | Bruno WELLE | V2 H | 78 | 09:56:10 | 04:07:12 | France | |
616 | 3562 | Marc JOUANNIC | V1 H | 248 | 09:56:13 | 04:07:15 | France | |
617 | 3207 | Guy BRICHE | VILLEPINTE MARATHON ATHLETISME | V3 H | 8 | 09:56:25 | 04:07:27 | France |
618 | 3585 | Sonia LUTTEROTTI | GardaSportEvents | V2 F | 5 | 09:56:29 | 04:07:31 | Italie |
619 | 2659 | benoit PLUNIAN | raid golfe du morbihan | SE H | 247 | 09:56:35 | 04:07:37 | France |
620 | 3599 | Brad WEBER | SE H | 248 | 09:56:38 | 04:07:40 | Canada | |
621 | 2327 | Ronan HERVE | SE H | 249 | 09:56:56 | 04:07:58 | France | |
622 | 1275 | ALAIN POIRIER | V1 H | 249 | 09:57:11 | 04:08:13 | France | |
623 | 2732 | David POIRIER | SE H | 250 | 09:57:12 | 04:08:14 | France | |
624 | 3425 | Christophe PERES | CS TERNES | SE H | 251 | 09:57:33 | 04:08:35 | France |
625 | 3072 | Guy DE POURTALES | V1 H | 250 | 09:57:36 | 04:08:38 | France | |
626 | 2048 | Ariel GENTILE | SE H | 252 | 09:57:37 | 04:08:39 | Argentine | |
627 | 3557 | Alexis RICQUEZ | SE H | 253 | 09:57:42 | 04:08:44 | France | |
628 | 2031 | Jean-Baptiste PRICHYSTAL | Team Trail Veolia | SE H | 254 | 09:57:44 | 04:08:46 | France |
628 | 2810 | Flavien COQ | SE H | 254 | 09:57:44 | 04:08:46 | France | |
630 | 2500 | Nicolas PETROFF | V1 H | 251 | 09:57:53 | 04:08:55 | France | |
631 | 3462 | Petr SALTYKOV | SE H | 256 | 09:58:09 | 04:09:11 | Russie | |
632 | 3149 | Jean-Yves MARTEL | V1 H | 252 | 09:58:25 | 04:09:27 | France | |
633 | 2085 | Frederic LEGIRET | V1 H | 253 | 09:58:46 | 04:09:48 | France | |
634 | 3224 | Jerome NAVARRO | US EZANVILLE-ECOUEN | SE H | 257 | 09:58:54 | 04:09:56 | France |
635 | 3325 | Carine BOURIAT | V1 F | 18 | 09:59:05 | 04:10:07 | France | |
636 | 2401 | Jean-François CAILLARD | V1 H | 254 | 09:59:08 | 04:10:10 | France | |
637 | 2214 | Noël ERNOUF | V2 H | 79 | 09:59:09 | 04:10:11 | France | |
638 | 2247 | Jérôme PIGAT | us gazelec ile de france | V1 H | 255 | 09:59:23 | 04:10:25 | France |
639 | 303 | Cyrille CHARTIER-KASTLER | V1 H | 256 | 09:59:24 | 04:10:26 | France | |
640 | 2355 | Eric BOUCHET | Herbauges AC | V1 H | 257 | 09:59:26 | 04:10:28 | France |
641 | 2065 | Pierre Jean GAMBINI | i filanci | V2 H | 80 | 09:59:27 | 04:10:29 | France |
641 | 2283 | Per JOHANSSON | V1 H | 258 | 09:59:27 | 04:10:29 | Suède | |
643 | 818 | Vincent DUHAMEL | SE H | 258 | 09:59:52 | 04:10:54 | France | |
644 | 3216 | Robert COURTIAU | V2 H | 81 | 10:00:24 | 04:11:26 | France | |
645 | 3125 | Christine SCULO | CJAC - UFO | SE F | 13 | 10:00:51 | 04:11:53 | France |
646 | 2751 | Bertrand MOTIR | RCCN | V1 H | 259 | 10:00:56 | 04:11:58 | France |
647 | 2199 | Wim VAN KOUTEREN | V1 H | 260 | 10:00:59 | 04:12:01 | Pays-Bas | |
648 | 2466 | Mathieu TOLIAN | SE H | 259 | 10:01:23 | 04:12:25 | France | |
649 | 3428 | Frédérick SEGUIN | JOGGING CLUB EPERNAY CHAMPAGNE | V1 H | 261 | 10:02:11 | 04:13:13 | France |
650 | 3595 | Quentin BAULIER | SE H | 260 | 10:02:22 | 04:13:24 | France | |
651 | 2070 | Laurent QUEYLA | V1 H | 262 | 10:02:59 | 04:14:01 | France | |
652 | 3162 | Laurent DUCROS | V1 H | 263 | 10:03:34 | 04:14:36 | France | |
653 | 3103 | Yosu VAZQUEZ | | V1 H | 264 | 10:03:45 | 04:14:47 | Espagne |
654 | 2646 | Laurent CORADIN | SE H | 261 | 10:03:47 | 04:14:49 | France | |
655 | 3449 | Olivier GRENIER | SE H | 262 | 10:03:48 | 04:14:50 | France | |
656 | 2076 | Stéphanie LIEBART | COSE | SE F | 14 | 10:03:49 | 04:14:51 | France |
657 | 2286 | Philippe NOUGUIER | V1 H | 265 | 10:03:57 | 04:14:59 | France | |
658 | 3269 | Juliette COURONNEL | touquet opale athletisme | SE F | 15 | 10:04:04 | 04:15:06 | France |
659 | 2281 | Bo JOHANSSON | Västerås LK | V2 H | 82 | 10:04:06 | 04:15:08 | Suède |
660 | 2481 | Antoine VICQUERY | COURIR | SE H | 263 | 10:04:25 | 04:15:27 | France |
661 | 2682 | Christophe SIMONNET | SE H | 264 | 10:04:29 | 04:15:31 | France | |
662 | 3371 | Hansueli MOTTELI | SSC-Turbenthal | V1 H | 266 | 10:05:04 | 04:16:06 | Suisse |
663 | 1339 | Francois MENARD | V2 H | 83 | 10:05:08 | 04:16:10 | France | |
664 | 671 | Pascal BIGEY | V1 H | 267 | 10:05:16 | 04:16:18 | France | |
665 | 112 | Olivier GUIOMAR | V3 H | 9 | 10:05:27 | 04:16:29 | France | |
666 | 2146 | Jérome LETTERIO | aucun | SE H | 265 | 10:05:29 | 04:16:31 | France |
667 | 2936 | Yves BARRUET | V1 H | 268 | 10:05:45 | 04:16:47 | France | |
668 | 3358 | Patrick HAMEAU | V1 H | 269 | 10:05:52 | 04:16:54 | France | |
669 | 2848 | Stéphane CHEVALIER | V1 H | 270 | 10:06:03 | 04:17:05 | France | |
670 | 493 | Georges DE SOUSA | V1 H | 271 | 10:06:14 | 04:17:16 | France | |
671 | 2857 | Jimmy LECLERCQ | SE H | 266 | 10:06:19 | 04:17:21 | France | |
672 | 3080 | Tony SANTOS | SE H | 267 | 10:07:08 | 04:18:10 | France | |
673 | 719 | Urs MINDER | V2 H | 84 | 10:07:33 | 04:18:35 | Suisse | |
674 | 3092 | Cyril JOLIE | SE H | 268 | 10:07:52 | 04:18:54 | France | |
675 | 2917 | Nicolas LETURQUE | V1 H | 272 | 10:08:04 | 04:19:06 | France | |
676 | 3087 | Louis CHAILLET | V2 H | 85 | 10:08:26 | 04:19:28 | France | |
677 | 2971 | Laurent PINCE | SE H | 269 | 10:08:50 | 04:19:52 | France | |
678 | 3533 | Stéphane MONFORT | SE H | 270 | 10:08:51 | 04:19:53 | France | |
679 | 2598 | Ralph BEGARD | V1 H | 273 | 10:08:55 | 04:19:57 | France | |
680 | 789 | Marc TORRE | ASC BNP PARIBAS PARIS | V2 H | 86 | 10:09:06 | 04:20:08 | France |
681 | 2648 | Guillaume REUILLY | SE H | 271 | 10:09:13 | 04:20:15 | France | |
682 | 2496 | Franck LEVILLAIN | SE H | 272 | 10:09:14 | 04:20:16 | France | |
683 | 3587 | Michel LECOINTRE | V1 H | 274 | 10:09:25 | 04:20:27 | France | |
684 | 3455 | Sebastien JEAN-MICHEL | SE H | 273 | 10:09:28 | 04:20:30 | France | |
685 | 2175 | Stephane LE GAL | IBM FRANCE PARIS | V1 H | 275 | 10:09:48 | 04:20:50 | France |
686 | 2118 | Frederic BURGOT | SE H | 274 | 10:09:50 | 04:20:52 | France | |
687 | 3441 | Dennis JOHN | SE H | 275 | 10:09:53 | 04:20:55 | Allemagne | |
688 | 2279 | jean philippe ESCOBAR | V1 H | 276 | 10:10:03 | 04:21:05 | France | |
689 | 3308 | Dominique CAVRON-RIEHL | V3 F | 1 | 10:10:23 | 04:21:25 | France | |
690 | 3058 | Frederic DAGAULT | SE H | 276 | 10:10:46 | 04:21:48 | France | |
691 | 2832 | Dominique FERRAND | V1 H | 277 | 10:11:11 | 04:22:13 | France | |
692 | 2292 | christian TABERLET | V2 H | 87 | 10:11:14 | 04:22:16 | France | |
693 | 1005 | David COUMOND | V2 H | 88 | 10:12:14 | 04:23:16 | France | |
694 | 3015 | Alvaro PUERTAS | | SE H | 277 | 10:12:15 | 04:23:17 | Espagne |
695 | 2054 | Martin PRIMKE | Versailles Triathlon | V1 H | 278 | 10:12:18 | 04:23:20 | Allemagne |
696 | 3228 | Nelson DES MOUTIS | SE H | 278 | 10:12:52 | 04:23:54 | France | |
697 | 2207 | Aicha ZERARI | Villepinte Marathon Athlétisme | V1 F | 19 | 10:12:54 | 04:23:56 | France |
698 | 2240 | Olivier PETAIN | OXYGENE BELBEUF | V1 H | 279 | 10:13:05 | 04:24:07 | Oman |
699 | 3028 | Marc HEURTAULT | V3 H | 10 | 10:13:08 | 04:24:10 | France | |
699 | 3430 | Emmanuel SELOI | SAVOIE TEAM TRIATHLON | V1 H | 280 | 10:13:08 | 04:24:10 | France |
701 | 3167 | Christine VACANDARE | asla | V1 F | 20 | 10:13:11 | 04:24:13 | France |
702 | 3112 | Philippe JEAN | MBDA Sport Athletisme | V3 H | 11 | 10:13:20 | 04:24:22 | France |
703 | 3026 | Paul VITRY | COURIR A KERHUON | V1 H | 281 | 10:13:24 | 04:24:26 | France |
704 | 3474 | Stephane FORTE | SE H | 279 | 10:13:35 | 04:24:37 | France | |
705 | 3132 | Corentin JEGU | GIF sur Yvette | SE H | 280 | 10:13:39 | 04:24:41 | France |
706 | 2354 | Alain BOIVIN | V2 H | 89 | 10:13:40 | 04:24:42 | France | |
707 | 2234 | Vincent HIDDEN | SE H | 281 | 10:13:41 | 04:24:43 | France | |
708 | 2738 | Eric DALI | SE H | 282 | 10:14:00 | 04:25:02 | France | |
709 | 2409 | Gregory MAMAN | SE H | 283 | 10:14:16 | 04:25:18 | France | |
710 | 1597 | Eric PERSONNE | V1 H | 282 | 10:14:27 | 04:25:29 | France | |
711 | 461 | Jacques CARIEN | V2 H | 90 | 10:14:29 | 04:25:31 | France | |
712 | 3180 | Sandra SONS | V1 F | 21 | 10:14:40 | 04:25:42 | Allemagne | |
713 | 2663 | Guillaume PREVOST | SE H | 284 | 10:14:43 | 04:25:45 | France | |
714 | 2350 | Noel MERRIEN | V3 H | 12 | 10:14:58 | 04:26:00 | France | |
715 | 1128 | Bertrand DE LONGVILLIERS | 1 | 10:15:00 | 04:26:02 | France | ||
716 | 2393 | Georges AUGUE | V1 H | 283 | 10:15:08 | 04:26:10 | France | |
717 | 2593 | Geert BRUGGEMAN | V2 H | 91 | 10:15:14 | 04:26:16 | Belgique | |
717 | 2697 | Tony ROOSE | AJA-TEAM | SE H | 285 | 10:15:14 | 04:26:16 | Belgique |
719 | 2248 | Christophe DE POTTER | RatRace Team Oudenaarde | V1 H | 284 | 10:15:20 | 04:26:22 | Belgique |
720 | 3032 | Francois COAT | V1 H | 285 | 10:15:22 | 04:26:24 | France | |
721 | 608 | Jean Remy LE JEUNE | V2 H | 92 | 10:15:27 | 04:26:29 | France | |
722 | 2749 | Emmanuel SIMONDI | SE H | 286 | 10:15:46 | 04:26:48 | France | |
723 | 2748 | Philippe DUBOST | SE H | 287 | 10:15:47 | 04:26:49 | France | |
724 | 2151 | Lionel BARBE | V1 H | 286 | 10:16:21 | 04:27:23 | France | |
725 | 2255 | Jean-Baptiste PARMENTIER | civ chevreuse | SE H | 288 | 10:16:36 | 04:27:38 | France |
726 | 3120 | Philippe ROCHE | ORTEIL EN POINTE | V1 H | 287 | 10:16:49 | 04:27:51 | France |
727 | 2091 | Antoine BARTHAS | SE H | 289 | 10:17:06 | 04:28:08 | France | |
728 | 3400 | Nicolas BELLOY | ESF Reims Athlétisme | SE H | 290 | 10:17:18 | 04:28:20 | France |
729 | 3059 | Brice PARDONNET | SE H | 291 | 10:17:31 | 04:28:33 | France | |
730 | 2338 | Cyrille ROMAND | SE H | 292 | 10:17:57 | 04:28:59 | France | |
731 | 3069 | David FELSENHARDT | SE H | 293 | 10:17:58 | 04:29:00 | France | |
732 | 2408 | Sabine SCHABANEL | EASQY | SE F | 16 | 10:18:01 | 04:29:03 | France |
733 | 2653 | Jacques ESTIQUE | V1 H | 288 | 10:18:02 | 04:29:04 | France | |
734 | 2043 | Jean-Philippe RECEVEUR | KIKOUROU | V1 H | 289 | 10:18:03 | 04:29:05 | France |
735 | 3046 | Denis COMBE | les MARATOURISTES | V2 H | 93 | 10:18:14 | 04:29:16 | France |
736 | 3070 | Thomas JOIE | SE H | 294 | 10:18:43 | 04:29:45 | France | |
737 | 1488 | Yann MAHE | SE H | 295 | 10:18:44 | 04:29:46 | France | |
737 | 955 | gilles BEDDELEEM | SE H | 295 | 10:18:44 | 04:29:46 | France | |
739 | 2570 | Stefan GUNTHER | V1 H | 290 | 10:18:57 | 04:29:59 | Allemagne | |
740 | 3134 | Quentin FLEURY | CLUB SPORTIF CACL | SE H | 297 | 10:19:10 | 04:30:12 | France |
741 | 816 | Thibaut BLAISE | SE H | 298 | 10:19:25 | 04:30:27 | France | |
742 | 2045 | Mylène MULQUIN | SE F | 17 | 10:19:31 | 04:30:33 | France | |
743 | 1069 | Xavier SAUVIGNON | SE H | 299 | 10:19:33 | 04:30:35 | France | |
744 | 2267 | Ian CAMPBELL | V2 H | 94 | 10:20:15 | 04:31:17 | Royaume-Uni | |
745 | 970 | Christophe NOE | Tobesport | V1 H | 291 | 10:20:24 | 04:31:26 | France |
746 | 3141 | Sandrine FOUDIN | V1 F | 22 | 10:20:25 | 04:31:27 | France | |
747 | 2036 | Guillaume BALLOT | SE H | 300 | 10:20:34 | 04:31:36 | France | |
748 | 3222 | Jean Michel VIEL | V2 H | 95 | 10:20:45 | 04:31:47 | France | |
749 | 3048 | Romuald PRIVAS | SE H | 301 | 10:20:58 | 04:32:00 | France | |
750 | 2898 | Thierry FERT | SE H | 302 | 10:21:02 | 04:32:04 | France | |
751 | 2589 | Benedict CELESTIN DEVENDRA | BNP PARIBAS | SE H | 303 | 10:21:20 | 04:32:22 | France |
752 | 2982 | Hervé COLINART | V2 H | 96 | 10:21:33 | 04:32:35 | France | |
753 | 3491 | Nicolas GARROTE | SE H | 304 | 10:21:39 | 04:32:41 | France | |
753 | 686 | Marcel BEAUTIER | V1 H | 292 | 10:21:39 | 04:32:41 | France | |
755 | 3158 | Victor GONCALVES | SE H | 305 | 10:22:25 | 04:33:27 | Portugal | |
756 | 2808 | Albin LAFONT | SE H | 306 | 10:22:33 | 04:33:35 | France | |
757 | 1549 | Sylvain CORNIC | AS GROUPE SFR | V1 H | 293 | 10:23:02 | 04:34:04 | France |
758 | 3038 | Marie-Reine BROSSARD | V1 F | 23 | 10:23:08 | 04:34:10 | France | |
759 | 2967 | Daniel KOEHL | La SALINE | V2 H | 97 | 10:23:09 | 04:34:11 | France |
760 | 2909 | Xavier LEBRUN | SE H | 307 | 10:23:10 | 04:34:12 | France | |
761 | 3559 | Choukri BEN AMARA | V1 H | 294 | 10:23:15 | 04:34:17 | France | |
762 | 3252 | Regis TROUSSICOT | USCCaen Joggers | V1 H | 295 | 10:23:17 | 04:34:19 | France |
762 | 2215 | Nicolas VANDEBROUCK | SE H | 308 | 10:23:17 | 04:34:19 | France | |
764 | 3040 | Loic MICHEL | V1 H | 296 | 10:23:21 | 04:34:23 | France | |
765 | 849 | Wim REUMKENS | V2 H | 98 | 10:23:32 | 04:34:34 | Pays-Bas | |
766 | 3230 | patricia LEBON | gdm saint james | V2 F | 6 | 10:23:47 | 04:34:49 | France |
767 | 2688 | Gerald SEIDL | LC WIENERWALDSEE / Team Raidlight | V1 H | 297 | 10:23:48 | 04:34:50 | Autriche |
768 | 1108 | Bruno LE RIDANT | V2 H | 99 | 10:23:51 | 04:34:53 | France | |
769 | 1084 | Patrice GUIZON | ASVA SANOFI | V2 H | 100 | 10:24:03 | 04:35:05 | France |
770 | 2760 | Alberto UBERTINO | V1 H | 298 | 10:24:20 | 04:35:22 | Italie | |
771 | 2274 | Michael EYRE | Serpentine | SE H | 309 | 10:24:39 | 04:35:41 | Nouvelle-Zélande |
772 | 3138 | Sam PHELPS | SE H | 310 | 10:25:06 | 04:36:08 | Australie | |
773 | 3453 | Florentin DEWASNES | SE H | 311 | 10:25:41 | 04:36:43 | France | |
774 | 3113 | Olivier DIJOUD | AS BANQUE DE FRANCE | V1 H | 299 | 10:26:02 | 04:37:04 | France |
775 | 823 | Paul LEPORINI | V2 H | 101 | 10:26:23 | 04:37:25 | France | |
776 | 824 | Benedicte SOULAYROL | V1 F | 24 | 10:26:24 | 04:37:26 | France | |
777 | 2742 | David FLAMENT | V1 H | 300 | 10:26:32 | 04:37:34 | France | |
778 | 2886 | Eric JEANCLAUDE | V1 H | 301 | 10:26:33 | 04:37:35 | France | |
779 | 2109 | Romain HARNOIS | SE H | 312 | 10:26:40 | 04:37:42 | France | |
780 | 586 | Gérard SIECKER | ASPTT CHALONS EN CHAMPAGNE | V2 H | 102 | 10:26:59 | 04:38:01 | France |
781 | 3543 | Cecile LANCON | GSK | V1 F | 25 | 10:27:01 | 04:38:03 | France |
782 | 2119 | Nicolas PORT | SE H | 313 | 10:27:03 | 04:38:05 | France | |
783 | 2395 | Alexandre MACHET | Argonne Nature Évasion | V1 H | 302 | 10:27:22 | 04:38:24 | France |
784 | 2308 | Francis LUCE | KOUROZESSARTS | V2 H | 103 | 10:27:23 | 04:38:25 | France |
785 | 703 | Frederic PAKULA | V1 H | 303 | 10:27:24 | 04:38:26 | France | |
786 | 3237 | Stéphane BENSLIMANE | V1 H | 304 | 10:27:32 | 04:38:34 | France | |
787 | 3184 | Jean Jacques MARTIN | V3 H | 13 | 10:27:33 | 04:38:35 | France | |
788 | 739 | Steffen FENNIG | V2 H | 104 | 10:28:07 | 04:39:09 | Allemagne | |
789 | 2899 | Vincent PINATEL | Kikourou | SE H | 314 | 10:29:07 | 04:40:09 | France |
790 | 2414 | Loïc LAPORTE | V1 H | 305 | 10:29:15 | 04:40:17 | France | |
791 | 2180 | Pierre PRIOL | SE H | 315 | 10:29:18 | 04:40:20 | France | |
792 | 3288 | Jean-Philippe ILARY | V1 H | 306 | 10:29:25 | 04:40:27 | France | |
792 | 3287 | Patrick LALOUM | V1 H | 306 | 10:29:25 | 04:40:27 | France | |
794 | 762 | Rémy CHAUMONNOT | PLM CONFLANS | V3 H | 14 | 10:29:32 | 04:40:34 | France |
795 | 1313 | Carole MARTIN | V1 F | 26 | 10:29:33 | 04:40:35 | France | |
796 | 2628 | David LEVEILLE | SE H | 316 | 10:29:39 | 04:40:41 | France | |
797 | 3424 | Delphine TONNEAU | D'initiales sports actions | SE F | 18 | 10:29:40 | 04:40:42 | France |
798 | 1439 | Christophe HAYOUN | V1 H | 308 | 10:29:42 | 04:40:44 | France | |
799 | 537 | Paul MAISONNIER | V1 H | 309 | 10:29:57 | 04:40:59 | France | |
800 | 1060 | Hervé BREITENSTEIN | V1 H | 310 | 10:29:59 | 04:41:01 | France | |
801 | 2703 | Marc SOLBES | V1 H | 311 | 10:30:01 | 04:41:03 | France | |
802 | 2268 | Bettina LINSSEN | V1 F | 27 | 10:30:27 | 04:41:29 | France | |
803 | 3512 | Stéphane MARCHAND | V1 H | 312 | 10:30:35 | 04:41:37 | France | |
804 | 2871 | Brice FOURNIER | SE H | 317 | 10:31:14 | 04:42:16 | France | |
805 | 3571 | Angel PALLARUELO | Villenave d'Ornon | ES H | 4 | 10:31:34 | 04:42:36 | France |
806 | 2691 | Anthony PAPE | SE H | 318 | 10:31:36 | 04:42:38 | France | |
807 | 1092 | Sébastien POSTE | V1 H | 313 | 10:31:58 | 04:43:00 | France | |
808 | 2908 | Christophe COTTEBRUNE | USCPCA-RP | V1 H | 314 | 10:32:01 | 04:43:03 | France |
809 | 884 | Daniel BARVAUX | Verneuil AC | V2 H | 105 | 10:32:03 | 04:43:05 | France |
810 | 2964 | Yves LEGRAND | ISSY TRITHLON | V3 H | 15 | 10:32:05 | 04:43:07 | France |
811 | 706 | Olivier BOULANT | SE H | 319 | 10:32:10 | 04:43:12 | France | |
812 | 2578 | Fabien WAROUX | SE H | 320 | 10:32:33 | 04:43:35 | France | |
812 | 3060 | Sylvain MOREL | V1 H | 315 | 10:32:33 | 04:43:35 | France | |
814 | 2280 | Joël VALCARES | AVIA CLUB ISSY-LES-MOULX | V2 H | 106 | 10:33:21 | 04:44:23 | France |
815 | 860 | Thierry PINTARD | AS LEVES | V1 H | 316 | 10:33:33 | 04:44:35 | France |
816 | 2939 | Olivier GAUSSET | AXA TEAM | V1 H | 317 | 10:33:35 | 04:44:37 | Belgique |
817 | 2075 | Yvon BOBONY | V2 H | 107 | 10:33:36 | 04:44:38 | France | |
818 | 3139 | Matthieu DANDOIS | SE H | 321 | 10:33:37 | 04:44:39 | France | |
819 | 2383 | Virgile BERTIN | 91055 | SE H | 322 | 10:33:40 | 04:44:42 | France |
820 | 1176 | Patrick NICAR | V1 H | 318 | 10:34:01 | 04:45:03 | France | |
821 | 2139 | Jean-Noël ESPARON | SE H | 323 | 10:34:17 | 04:45:19 | France | |
822 | 2145 | Alex BERNARD | V1 H | 319 | 10:34:18 | 04:45:20 | France | |
823 | 2905 | Eric BALDASSARI | V1 H | 320 | 10:34:36 | 04:45:38 | France | |
824 | 1238 | Rui PEDRAS | V2 H | 108 | 10:35:03 | 04:46:05 | Portugal | |
825 | 2526 | Paul OGDEN | Serpentine | V1 H | 321 | 10:35:07 | 04:46:09 | Royaume-Uni |
826 | 2763 | Pierre MARION | SE H | 324 | 10:35:37 | 04:46:39 | France | |
827 | 1244 | Louis POULAIN | SE H | 325 | 10:35:39 | 04:46:41 | France | |
828 | 2015 | Joachim GONZALEZ | SE H | 326 | 10:35:40 | 04:46:42 | France | |
829 | 1486 | Julien NGUYEN-KIM | SE H | 327 | 10:35:49 | 04:46:51 | France | |
830 | 2123 | Emilien PESCHEUX | SE H | 328 | 10:36:06 | 04:47:08 | France | |
831 | 2093 | Thomas SORS | SE H | 329 | 10:36:08 | 04:47:10 | France | |
832 | 1127 | Geoffroy CARLIER | V1 H | 322 | 10:36:11 | 04:47:13 | France | |
833 | 2041 | Laurent LEMONNIER | AVIA CLUB ISSY LES MOULINEAUX | V1 H | 323 | 10:36:28 | 04:47:30 | France |
834 | 1156 | Michel BASSINET | V2 H | 109 | 10:36:53 | 04:47:55 | France | |
835 | 2789 | David LEDUC | CE SNECMA | SE H | 330 | 10:37:24 | 04:48:26 | France |
835 | 2502 | sebastien CORDAY | snecma | SE H | 330 | 10:37:24 | 04:48:26 | France |
835 | 2447 | Bruno PINABEL | CE SNECMA | SE H | 330 | 10:37:24 | 04:48:26 | France |
838 | 2437 | Raphael KHALDI | c.e SNECMA | SE H | 333 | 10:37:25 | 04:48:27 | France |
839 | 2744 | Lionel MORETTI | Corsica Triathlon Club d'Ajaccio | V1 H | 324 | 10:37:48 | 04:48:50 | France |
839 | 2424 | Jean-Paul MORETTI | CAA | V1 H | 324 | 10:37:48 | 04:48:50 | France |
841 | 1609 | Romain JOUFFROY | SE H | 334 | 10:38:05 | 04:49:07 | France | |
842 | 2865 | Alexis BEUGNOT | SE H | 335 | 10:38:06 | 04:49:08 | France | |
843 | 224 | Julie THOURY | STADE FRANCAIS TRIATHLON | SE F | 19 | 10:38:24 | 04:49:26 | France |
844 | 2436 | Thierry VIREY | SE H | 336 | 10:38:28 | 04:49:30 | France | |
845 | 2314 | Gilbert BOHBOT | V2 H | 110 | 10:38:55 | 04:49:57 | France | |
846 | 3498 | Ahmed CAMPS | V2 H | 111 | 10:39:02 | 04:50:04 | France | |
847 | 3247 | Magaly DA SILVA | MEGA | SE F | 20 | 10:39:22 | 04:50:24 | France |
848 | 2455 | Jacky TRANCHANT | les runneurs des vignes | V1 H | 326 | 10:39:26 | 04:50:28 | France |
849 | 2476 | Nicolas ANGOT | Orange | SE H | 337 | 10:39:37 | 04:50:39 | France |
850 | 3168 | Guillaume DUFOUR | SE H | 338 | 10:39:42 | 04:50:44 | France | |
851 | 2513 | Adrien HENRY | SE H | 339 | 10:40:01 | 04:51:03 | France | |
852 | 2027 | Loïc DURAULT | MBDA SPORT ATHLETISME | V1 H | 327 | 10:40:03 | 04:51:05 | France |
853 | 3117 | Benoit CEBULSKI | SE H | 340 | 10:40:07 | 04:51:09 | France | |
854 | 3213 | Bruno BARACHET | V1 H | 328 | 10:40:22 | 04:51:24 | France | |
855 | 2009 | Olivier DE MAEN | Z-trailerZ , JCPLP LAMBRES | V2 H | 112 | 10:40:35 | 04:51:37 | France |
856 | 2277 | Mark FINE | V1 H | 329 | 10:40:41 | 04:51:43 | Etats-Unis | |
857 | 2884 | Michel VRILLON | V2 H | 113 | 10:40:42 | 04:51:44 | France | |
858 | 3265 | Christophe DA COSTA | SE H | 341 | 10:41:08 | 04:52:10 | France | |
859 | 2695 | CATHY LEFEVRE | SE F | 21 | 10:41:23 | 04:52:25 | France | |
860 | 2779 | Arnaud HIBON | V1 H | 330 | 10:41:24 | 04:52:26 | France | |
861 | 415 | Marcel COEURDEROY | V2 H | 114 | 10:41:40 | 04:52:42 | France | |
861 | 2816 | Laurent BEAUGENDRE | V1 H | 331 | 10:41:40 | 04:52:42 | France | |
863 | 2451 | Guy GABURRO | V3 H | 16 | 10:41:44 | 04:52:46 | France | |
864 | 2860 | Didier GAULET | V1 H | 332 | 10:41:45 | 04:52:47 | France | |
865 | 2987 | Bruno PIRAS | V2 H | 115 | 10:42:37 | 04:53:39 | France | |
866 | 2269 | Philippe FOURNIER | V2 H | 116 | 10:42:47 | 04:53:49 | France | |
867 | 3331 | Brice GABRIELLE | SE H | 342 | 10:43:24 | 04:54:26 | France | |
868 | 3234 | Anthony CHAUVIN | SE H | 343 | 10:43:28 | 04:54:30 | France | |
868 | 2138 | Matthieu PERON | V1 H | 333 | 10:43:28 | 04:54:30 | France | |
868 | 1079 | Stéphane GOUIN | TEAM RAIDS DINGUES | SE H | 343 | 10:43:28 | 04:54:30 | France |
871 | 2866 | Michel ROGER | V2 H | 117 | 10:43:30 | 04:54:32 | France | |
872 | 705 | Tomy DELCROIX | SE H | 345 | 10:44:03 | 04:55:05 | France | |
873 | 2540 | Herve FAUGERE | V1 H | 334 | 10:44:29 | 04:55:31 | France | |
874 | 2342 | John GAIVIN | V1 H | 335 | 10:44:38 | 04:55:40 | Etats-Unis | |
875 | 697 | Thibaut LIBLIN | SE H | 346 | 10:44:40 | 04:55:42 | France | |
876 | 1207 | Marc LABE | V2 H | 118 | 10:45:09 | 04:56:11 | France | |
877 | 2302 | Jean Noel RIOCHET | V2 H | 119 | 10:45:11 | 04:56:13 | France | |
877 | 2150 | Bertrand RIOCHET | V2 H | 119 | 10:45:11 | 04:56:13 | France | |
879 | 2992 | Eric JOUANNE | V1 H | 336 | 10:45:19 | 04:56:21 | France | |
880 | 2112 | David GUILLOT | SE H | 347 | 10:45:25 | 04:56:27 | France | |
881 | 803 | Alain DORE | V2 H | 121 | 10:45:27 | 04:56:29 | France | |
882 | 2904 | Joëlle CONAN | V2 F | 7 | 10:45:30 | 04:56:32 | France | |
883 | 2941 | Didier SERODON | V1 H | 337 | 10:45:36 | 04:56:38 | France | |
884 | 2396 | Romain DARNIEAUD | SE H | 348 | 10:45:40 | 04:56:42 | France | |
885 | 2918 | Fernando LORDA GOMEZ | V1 H | 338 | 10:46:11 | 04:57:13 | Espagne | |
886 | 1257 | Vincent LECARPENTIER | SOISY TRAIL CLUB | V1 H | 339 | 10:46:12 | 04:57:14 | France |
887 | 2243 | Henri ROUX | les cavaleurs | V2 H | 122 | 10:46:13 | 04:57:15 | France |
888 | 2092 | Jean-Pierre ANSART | Ouest Essonne Athletisme | V2 H | 123 | 10:46:16 | 04:57:18 | France |
889 | 2157 | Laurent PETIT | OEA | V1 H | 340 | 10:46:18 | 04:57:20 | France |
890 | 1441 | Gerard CHABAL | V2 H | 124 | 10:46:32 | 04:57:34 | France | |
891 | 3014 | Michael VILLEDIEU | APSAP VP | SE H | 349 | 10:46:44 | 04:57:46 | France |
892 | 3458 | Amaury POIRIER-COUTANSAIS | SE H | 350 | 10:46:48 | 04:57:50 | France | |
893 | 2978 | Nicolas FORMONT | V1 H | 341 | 10:46:49 | 04:57:51 | France | |
894 | 2647 | Alain FLON | ASES | V1 H | 342 | 10:46:54 | 04:57:56 | France |
895 | 3066 | Joanne DOMIAR | SE F | 22 | 10:47:07 | 04:58:09 | France | |
896 | 769 | Laurent CAZALI | SE H | 351 | 10:47:45 | 04:58:47 | France | |
897 | 1224 | Xavier CORNEAU | SE H | 352 | 10:47:57 | 04:58:59 | France | |
898 | 2137 | Florine CASTAING | SE F | 23 | 10:48:17 | 04:59:19 | France | |
899 | 3147 | Hugo SAINT MARTIN | ES H | 5 | 10:48:19 | 04:59:21 | France | |
900 | 2349 | Francky TOUTOUTE FAUCONNIER | FOULEES SAINT GERMAIN EN LAYE | V1 H | 343 | 10:48:24 | 04:59:26 | France |
901 | 2953 | Philippe BRUEL | V1 H | 344 | 10:48:26 | 04:59:28 | France | |
902 | 2082 | Juan CONTRERAS | PCAP MISY SUR YONNE | V1 H | 345 | 10:48:29 | 04:59:31 | France |
902 | 3135 | Anne FOUGEREUX | SE F | 24 | 10:48:29 | 04:59:31 | France | |
904 | 3405 | Jacques ALBEZA | V2 H | 125 | 10:48:37 | 04:59:39 | France | |
905 | 3159 | Alexandre OBERTELLI | SE H | 353 | 10:48:56 | 04:59:58 | France | |
906 | 3390 | Stéphane GAUDRY | SE H | 354 | 10:49:12 | 05:00:14 | France | |
907 | 3402 | Sophie BERNIER | ESF Reims Athlétisme | V1 F | 28 | 10:50:28 | 05:01:30 | France |
908 | 3492 | Yann LEBON | SE H | 355 | 10:50:37 | 05:01:39 | France | |
909 | 2931 | Steve PASCAUD | TRAILERS DU MOLE | V1 H | 346 | 10:50:42 | 05:01:44 | France |
910 | 731 | Alexis ROLLAND JACOUB | SE H | 356 | 10:50:45 | 05:01:47 | France | |
910 | 541 | Fabrice DUMOUT | V1 H | 347 | 10:50:45 | 05:01:47 | France | |
912 | 2838 | Patrice RENOUARD | V1 H | 348 | 10:50:50 | 05:01:52 | France | |
913 | 3256 | Thierry BAILLARD | touquet opale athletisme | V1 H | 349 | 10:51:01 | 05:02:03 | France |
914 | 1449 | Philippe CHASSERANT | V1 H | 350 | 10:51:07 | 05:02:09 | France | |
915 | 674 | François MOUSSEL | SPN VERNON | V2 H | 126 | 10:51:12 | 05:02:14 | France |
916 | 2665 | Pascal PAYEN | V2 H | 127 | 10:51:21 | 05:02:23 | France | |
917 | 2664 | Vincent LESOURD | V1 H | 351 | 10:51:23 | 05:02:25 | France | |
918 | 2657 | Christophe DIEUMEGARD | V1 H | 352 | 10:51:37 | 05:02:39 | France | |
919 | 2284 | Xavier Aymeric DUPONT | V1 H | 353 | 10:51:40 | 05:02:42 | France | |
920 | 3423 | Marie Claire CHARTON | ESF Reims Athlétisme | V2 F | 8 | 10:51:41 | 05:02:43 | France |
921 | 3412 | OUARDA DAVID | ESF Reims Athlétisme | V1 F | 29 | 10:51:42 | 05:02:44 | France |
921 | 3396 | Florence STRADY VERGER | ESF Reims Athlétisme | V1 F | 29 | 10:51:42 | 05:02:44 | France |
923 | 2347 | Hideyuki TAKAHASHI | SE H | 357 | 10:51:46 | 05:02:48 | Japon | |
924 | 471 | Christophe FOURNIER | V1 H | 354 | 10:51:49 | 05:02:51 | France | |
925 | 2341 | Maxime BENIS | SE H | 358 | 10:51:52 | 05:02:54 | France | |
925 | 2430 | Benoit FROUVELLE | SE H | 358 | 10:51:52 | 05:02:54 | France | |
927 | 2825 | Gilles FLEAU | SCA2000 TRIATHLON | V2 H | 128 | 10:51:54 | 05:02:56 | France |
928 | 2251 | Thierry BILLAULT | V1 H | 355 | 10:52:14 | 05:03:16 | France | |
929 | 2211 | Julien MOTTET | SE H | 360 | 10:52:19 | 05:03:21 | France | |
930 | 2124 | Xavier WILLIMES | V2 H | 129 | 10:52:25 | 05:03:27 | Belgique | |
931 | 3586 | Pierre-Michel GRIMM | V1 H | 356 | 10:52:27 | 05:03:29 | France | |
932 | 3262 | Daniel SHEEHAN | V1 H | 357 | 10:52:38 | 05:03:40 | Etats-Unis | |
933 | 2184 | Stephane CASTILLO-ROS | Athlétic Club Auscitain | V1 H | 358 | 10:52:47 | 05:03:49 | France |
934 | 2801 | Paul MARQUET | V1 H | 359 | 10:53:13 | 05:04:15 | France | |
935 | 2785 | Thomas COUDERT | les copains d'abord | V1 H | 360 | 10:53:14 | 05:04:16 | France |
936 | 2658 | Patrick GACHET | usa arradon | V2 H | 130 | 10:53:15 | 05:04:17 | France |
936 | 2572 | Richard LAVEUVE | V3 H | 17 | 10:53:15 | 05:04:17 | France | |
938 | 2845 | Alain KURTH | V1 H | 361 | 10:53:16 | 05:04:18 | France | |
939 | 2582 | Benoit FREMAUX | V1 H | 362 | 10:53:23 | 05:04:25 | France | |
939 | 2575 | Olivier DESCAMPS | les foulées sainghinoises | V2 H | 131 | 10:53:23 | 05:04:25 | France |
941 | 3280 | John CHRISTENSEN | V1 H | 363 | 10:53:27 | 05:04:29 | Danemark | |
941 | 3300 | Geir FRYKHOLM | Sætre IF Graabein | V2 H | 132 | 10:53:27 | 05:04:29 | Norvège |
943 | 2934 | Gwenael MAGNANT | MONTVILLE RUNNING CLUB | SE H | 361 | 10:53:34 | 05:04:36 | France |
943 | 3479 | David WIART | SE H | 361 | 10:53:34 | 05:04:36 | France | |
945 | 3591 | Brigitte WILLEMS | PASSION RUNNING | SE F | 25 | 10:53:40 | 05:04:42 | France |
946 | 3443 | Ean-Marc TACLET | CNSQY | V1 H | 364 | 10:53:42 | 05:04:44 | France |
947 | 2378 | Pierre CHAN YAO CHONG | V2 H | 133 | 10:53:55 | 05:04:57 | France | |
948 | 3538 | Jacques LELEVET | V3 H | 18 | 10:54:05 | 05:05:07 | France | |
949 | 711 | Nathalie VENDETTE | SE F | 26 | 10:54:07 | 05:05:09 | Canada | |
950 | 1032 | Philippe DUBOIS | CS TERNES PARIS OUEST | V2 H | 134 | 10:54:24 | 05:05:26 | France |
951 | 949 | Thierry JEANNETTE | V1 H | 365 | 10:54:41 | 05:05:43 | France | |
952 | 2110 | Bruno GADOUD | V2 H | 135 | 10:54:43 | 05:05:45 | France | |
953 | 2319 | Jean-Pierre AUBERTIN | SO HOUILLES | V3 H | 19 | 10:54:50 | 05:05:52 | France |
954 | 3420 | Daniel GORIOUNOV | US Créteil Triathlon | SE H | 363 | 10:54:52 | 05:05:54 | France |
955 | 3179 | Leila BENESSAM | UAV | SE F | 27 | 10:55:09 | 05:06:11 | France |
956 | 827 | Ludovic ANANI | SE H | 364 | 10:55:10 | 05:06:12 | France | |
957 | 3114 | Maxime PASQUIER | SE H | 365 | 10:55:11 | 05:06:13 | France | |
958 | 792 | Luc NEUHAUSER | APTT Châlons | V2 H | 136 | 10:55:13 | 05:06:15 | France |
959 | 2379 | Jack BERGUIG | SO HOUILLES ATHLETISME | V1 H | 366 | 10:55:15 | 05:06:17 | France |
960 | 2778 | Jessica BLOQUEL | running nature | SE F | 28 | 10:55:27 | 05:06:29 | France |
961 | 2084 | Patrice PROD'HOMME | GIRONDINS DE BORDEAUX | V2 H | 137 | 10:55:28 | 05:06:30 | France |
962 | 3033 | Sébastien HERON | SE H | 366 | 10:55:31 | 05:06:33 | France | |
963 | 2798 | Patrick HEITZ | APArsac | V2 H | 138 | 10:55:35 | 05:06:37 | France |
964 | 2261 | Vincenzo CARAMIA | Les coureurs célestes | V2 H | 139 | 10:56:05 | 05:07:07 | Italie |
964 | 2262 | Nathalie GOOSSE | Les coureurs célestes | V1 F | 31 | 10:56:05 | 05:07:07 | Belgique |
966 | 3209 | Emmanuel HERICHE | V1 H | 367 | 10:56:07 | 05:07:09 | France | |
967 | 1049 | Jean Pierre COUDERT | V3 H | 20 | 10:56:21 | 05:07:23 | France | |
968 | 2510 | Jean Luc VEY | V2 H | 140 | 10:56:36 | 05:07:38 | France | |
969 | 714 | Francis JACQUES | sapeurs-pompiers Paris | V2 H | 141 | 10:57:13 | 05:08:15 | France |
970 | 3057 | Alexandre SEGOUIN | UA SOCIETE GENERALE | V1 H | 368 | 10:57:51 | 05:08:53 | France |
971 | 2044 | Jérôme DUHAZE | SE H | 367 | 10:58:07 | 05:09:09 | France | |
972 | 3305 | Véréna LEVY | SE F | 29 | 10:58:08 | 05:09:10 | Espagne | |
973 | 2784 | Christian HURGON | V2 H | 142 | 10:58:10 | 05:09:12 | France | |
974 | 2381 | Eric NGUYEN DAT | SE H | 368 | 10:58:12 | 05:09:14 | France | |
975 | 3391 | Isabelle MARIE | ESF Reims Athlétisme | V2 F | 9 | 10:58:35 | 05:09:37 | France |
976 | 3568 | Michel LAURENT | S.O.Houilles | V2 H | 143 | 10:59:09 | 05:10:11 | France |
977 | 2083 | Nicolas BOURGEOIS | SE H | 369 | 10:59:18 | 05:10:20 | France | |
978 | 2539 | Gregory BERTRAND | V1 H | 369 | 10:59:20 | 05:10:22 | France | |
979 | 2428 | Michel MEHAULT | CLUB 49 BABYLONE | V2 H | 144 | 10:59:38 | 05:10:40 | France |
980 | 2720 | Eric ITHOURBURU | V2 H | 145 | 10:59:59 | 05:11:01 | France | |
981 | 2392 | Stuart RAE | V1 H | 370 | 11:00:02 | 05:11:04 | Royaume-Uni | |
982 | 2208 | Alexandre PAYET | SE H | 370 | 11:00:50 | 05:11:52 | France | |
983 | 1401 | Valérie CHAGNAUD | s/l plessis robinsson ac | V1 F | 32 | 11:01:50 | 05:12:52 | France |
984 | 2142 | Anne STOLTZ | V1 F | 33 | 11:02:04 | 05:13:06 | France | |
985 | 2324 | Thomas SAULNIER | PASSIONFROID groupe POMONA | SE H | 371 | 11:02:15 | 05:13:17 | France |
985 | 1342 | Olivier MOTTIN | PASSION FROID groupe POMONA | V1 H | 371 | 11:02:15 | 05:13:17 | France |
987 | 2535 | Céline DEMMERLE | UA Societe Generale | SE F | 30 | 11:02:19 | 05:13:21 | France |
987 | 2534 | Jean-Claude LUCAS | V2 H | 146 | 11:02:19 | 05:13:21 | France | |
989 | 2728 | Michael HELFMANN | V1 H | 372 | 11:03:07 | 05:14:09 | Allemagne | |
990 | 866 | David SARHY | V1 H | 373 | 11:03:37 | 05:14:39 | France | |
991 | 1175 | Philippe BOULIER | V2 H | 147 | 11:03:58 | 05:15:00 | France | |
992 | 135 | Renald ARDUINI | SE H | 372 | 11:04:04 | 05:15:06 | France | |
993 | 3041 | Jean Frédéric BENARD | SE H | 373 | 11:04:24 | 05:15:26 | France | |
994 | 3111 | Oliviero MORDENTI | surfing shop | V1 H | 374 | 11:04:28 | 05:15:30 | Italie |
995 | 2523 | Charles BERKOVITS | V1 H | 375 | 11:04:43 | 05:15:45 | France | |
996 | 1492 | Alban STERNAT | SE H | 374 | 11:04:54 | 05:15:56 | France | |
997 | 1187 | Cedric TURCAUD | SE H | 375 | 11:05:00 | 05:16:02 | France | |
998 | 2403 | Patricia HUJEUX | V2 F | 10 | 11:05:59 | 05:17:01 | France | |
999 | 2402 | Bruno CARRETTA | V2 H | 148 | 11:06:00 | 05:17:02 | France | |
1000 | 2932 | Béatrice DUPAS | V1 F | 34 | 11:06:35 | 05:17:37 | France | |
1001 | 2344 | Philippe LE GENDRE | courir avec | V2 H | 149 | 11:06:36 | 05:17:38 | France |
1002 | 836 | Charles BAGAGE | SE H | 376 | 11:06:37 | 05:17:39 | France | |
1003 | 3357 | William COQUET | smon | V1 H | 376 | 11:06:57 | 05:17:59 | France |
1004 | 2802 | Jean-Yves LE BLOAS | chatres mma athletisme | V2 H | 150 | 11:07:18 | 05:18:20 | France |
1005 | 1125 | Stephane WAGEMANS | maratouriste de dreux | V1 H | 377 | 11:07:21 | 05:18:23 | France |
1006 | 1241 | Benoit MAIGNIEN | V1 H | 378 | 11:07:29 | 05:18:31 | France | |
1007 | 2098 | Pierre BELIN | V1 H | 379 | 11:07:31 | 05:18:33 | France | |
1008 | 2643 | Alain ROUX | stade verneuil sur avre | V2 H | 151 | 11:07:42 | 05:18:44 | France |
1009 | 2445 | Elaine BATTSON | Victoria Park Harriers & THAC | V1 F | 35 | 11:08:46 | 05:19:48 | Royaume-Uni |
1010 | 1250 | Jean-Marie CHEVASSUT | MENNECY TRIATHLON | V1 H | 380 | 11:08:48 | 05:19:50 | France |
1011 | 3124 | Hervé BENATTAR | courir a montech | V1 H | 381 | 11:08:50 | 05:19:52 | France |
1012 | 3483 | Patrice REMY | SE H | 377 | 11:08:51 | 05:19:53 | France | |
1013 | 2607 | Christian RAULT | V1 H | 382 | 11:08:56 | 05:19:58 | France | |
1014 | 2555 | Desiree GILANI | SE F | 31 | 11:09:24 | 05:20:26 | Etats-Unis | |
1015 | 2559 | Milan SEMAN | SE H | 378 | 11:09:25 | 05:20:27 | République tchèque | |
1016 | 894 | Jean Francois BONNET | V2 H | 152 | 11:10:01 | 05:21:03 | France | |
1017 | 3084 | Nelly BOITARD | Stade Français | V3 F | 2 | 11:10:28 | 05:21:30 | France |
1018 | 2610 | Jon DUBARBIER | V4 H | 2 | 11:10:32 | 05:21:34 | France | |
1019 | 3042 | To-My UNG | V1 H | 383 | 11:10:49 | 05:21:51 | France | |
1020 | 2125 | Eric LE ROUX | UA SOCIETE GENERALE | SE H | 379 | 11:10:59 | 05:22:01 | France |
1021 | 1541 | Vincent PATY | courir à ormes | V1 H | 384 | 11:11:21 | 05:22:23 | France |
1022 | 3150 | Philippe CARRIERE | V1 H | 385 | 11:11:32 | 05:22:34 | France | |
1023 | 3085 | Ludwig THOMAS | SE H | 380 | 11:12:00 | 05:23:02 | France | |
1024 | 2313 | Goulwenn TRISTANT | SE H | 381 | 11:12:01 | 05:23:03 | France | |
1025 | 2689 | Benoit REGEREAU | CHERBOURG TRIATHLON | V1 H | 386 | 11:12:20 | 05:23:22 | France |
1026 | 2380 | Patricia BERGUIG | SO HOUILLES ATHLETISME | V2 F | 11 | 11:12:29 | 05:23:31 | France |
1027 | 2318 | Elise AUBERTIN | SO HOUILLES | V3 F | 3 | 11:12:31 | 05:23:33 | France |
1028 | 3569 | Jean AGRAPART | Les Fondus Sézannais | V3 H | 21 | 11:12:55 | 05:23:57 | France |
1029 | 2867 | Romain LE MANACH | AS TRAIL COURSE NATURE | ES H | 6 | 11:13:01 | 05:24:03 | France |
1030 | 2923 | Maurice LEBRETON | STADIUM MONTIGNY ATHLETIC CLUB | V3 H | 22 | 11:13:09 | 05:24:11 | France |
1031 | 2069 | Franck BUDAIL | V1 H | 387 | 11:13:24 | 05:24:26 | France | |
1032 | 2556 | Walter ROTTIERS | V2 H | 153 | 11:13:25 | 05:24:27 | Belgique | |
1033 | 2298 | Noëmie JORENS | V1 F | 36 | 11:13:26 | 05:24:28 | Belgique | |
1034 | 2700 | Thierry BRIERE | ASVCM AVENTURE PEDESTRE | V2 H | 154 | 11:13:41 | 05:24:43 | France |
1035 | 3185 | Jerome RICARD | SE H | 382 | 11:13:51 | 05:24:53 | France | |
1036 | 1050 | Eric MAEDER | Team Raidlight | SE H | 383 | 11:14:07 | 05:25:09 | France |
1037 | 1048 | Fabrice MONNIER | SE H | 384 | 11:14:08 | 05:25:10 | France | |
1038 | 2331 | Nicolas REGNAULT | SE H | 385 | 11:14:15 | 05:25:17 | France | |
1039 | 3470 | Antoine LANDEL | SE H | 386 | 11:14:51 | 05:25:53 | France | |
1040 | 1078 | Laurent COIFFARD | V1 H | 388 | 11:15:05 | 05:26:07 | France | |
1041 | 3054 | Antoni GARDENAS LLORENTE | Agrupacio Excursionista Palafrugeññ | V2 H | 155 | 11:15:15 | 05:26:17 | Espagne |
1042 | 2114 | Jean-Baptiste DULAU | V1 H | 389 | 11:16:13 | 05:27:15 | France | |
1043 | 2178 | Marie BOTIN | SE F | 32 | 11:16:37 | 05:27:39 | France | |
1044 | 1263 | Sébastien BOTIN | V1 H | 390 | 11:16:38 | 05:27:40 | France | |
1045 | 3463 | Sylvain MONJARDET | SE H | 387 | 11:17:00 | 05:28:02 | France | |
1046 | 2452 | Marc-Arthur SOMBE | SE H | 388 | 11:17:01 | 05:28:03 | France | |
1047 | 3429 | Jean Pierre PECHEREAU | sud corse triathlon | V3 H | 23 | 11:17:12 | 05:28:14 | France |
1048 | 2666 | Cyril DEBEZE | SE H | 389 | 11:17:35 | 05:28:37 | France | |
1049 | 3401 | Yohann GROSCLAUDE | SE H | 390 | 11:17:39 | 05:28:41 | France | |
1050 | 2482 | Erwan FONTAINE | SE H | 391 | 11:17:52 | 05:28:54 | France | |
1050 | 3407 | Mathieu HOAREAU | SE H | 391 | 11:17:52 | 05:28:54 | France | |
1052 | 3574 | Jérémy HOARAU | SE H | 393 | 11:17:53 | 05:28:55 | France | |
1053 | 308 | Jacques PASQUIER | Les Traînes la Grolle | V2 H | 156 | 11:17:56 | 05:28:58 | France |
1054 | 2387 | Cyril BOUCHET | SE H | 394 | 11:18:00 | 05:29:02 | France | |
1055 | 2822 | Cédric DE GHELLINCK | SE H | 395 | 11:18:03 | 05:29:05 | France | |
1056 | 992 | Christophe DELCOURT | V1 H | 391 | 11:18:04 | 05:29:06 | France | |
1057 | 3154 | Ricardo MIRANDA | SE H | 396 | 11:18:05 | 05:29:07 | France | |
1057 | 2922 | Dominique GIRARD | V1 H | 392 | 11:18:05 | 05:29:07 | France | |
1059 | 3093 | Gaël DIDIER | SE H | 397 | 11:18:08 | 05:29:10 | France | |
1060 | 3477 | Guillaume KREPPER | SE H | 398 | 11:18:12 | 05:29:14 | France | |
1061 | 3270 | Luc FRANCOISE | V2 H | 157 | 11:18:22 | 05:29:24 | France | |
1062 | 1581 | Rémy BONNERY | SE H | 399 | 11:18:24 | 05:29:26 | France | |
1063 | 3573 | Philippe FROMANTIN | V1 H | 393 | 11:18:44 | 05:29:46 | France | |
1064 | 3012 | Youssef EL GOURCH | SE H | 400 | 11:18:51 | 05:29:53 | France | |
1065 | 2391 | Samuel FILLION | V2 H | 158 | 11:18:57 | 05:29:59 | France | |
1066 | 2726 | Eric RUAU | V1 H | 394 | 11:19:33 | 05:30:35 | France | |
1066 | 2232 | Françoise DESPRINGRE | CAP BOLLENE | V2 F | 12 | 11:19:33 | 05:30:35 | France |
1068 | 500 | Yvan DELACOURTE | V1 H | 395 | 11:19:39 | 05:30:41 | France | |
1069 | 3297 | Fabien HERNEQUE | SE H | 401 | 11:20:00 | 05:31:02 | France | |
1070 | 3438 | Philippe IGIGABEL | V2 H | 159 | 11:20:20 | 05:31:22 | France | |
1071 | 2956 | David PEROUELLE | V1 H | 396 | 11:21:17 | 05:32:19 | France | |
1072 | 2675 | Nathalie TUR | V1 F | 37 | 11:21:36 | 05:32:38 | France | |
1073 | 2293 | Frédéric DE ASSUNCAO | V1 H | 397 | 11:21:42 | 05:32:44 | France | |
1074 | 3534 | Sotheavut UK | V1 H | 398 | 11:21:45 | 05:32:47 | France | |
1075 | 2815 | Alexandre VANWYNSBERGE | SE H | 402 | 11:21:48 | 05:32:50 | France | |
1076 | 3603 | Said AZZOUG | V1 H | 399 | 11:21:57 | 05:32:59 | France | |
1077 | 2573 | Roland PARROT | SE H | 403 | 11:21:59 | 05:33:01 | France | |
1078 | 2217 | Julien MARZIN | Natixis | SE H | 404 | 11:22:19 | 05:33:21 | France |
1079 | 3575 | Jean LAPEYRE | V3 H | 24 | 11:22:40 | 05:33:42 | France | |
1080 | 726 | Achia MARTIN | UA SOCIETE GENERALE | V1 F | 38 | 11:22:45 | 05:33:47 | France |
1081 | 2562 | Gilles BANROQUES | V2 H | 160 | 11:23:05 | 05:34:07 | France | |
1082 | 2858 | Yves SCHMIDT | V1 H | 400 | 11:23:35 | 05:34:37 | France | |
1083 | 1310 | José DOS REIS | AS GROUPE SFR | V1 H | 401 | 11:23:59 | 05:35:01 | Portugal |
1084 | 3079 | Noémia MARQUES | V2 F | 13 | 11:24:00 | 05:35:02 | Portugal | |
1085 | 3459 | Eric LE GAC | V1 H | 402 | 11:24:24 | 05:35:26 | France | |
1086 | 1189 | Jean-Luc HERNANDEZ | usmbm | V2 H | 161 | 11:24:31 | 05:35:33 | France |
1087 | 2081 | Philippe BARRIERE | V1 H | 403 | 11:24:41 | 05:35:43 | France | |
1088 | 3535 | Geoffroy BLADIER | SE H | 405 | 11:25:04 | 05:36:06 | France | |
1089 | 2294 | Christophe MAZAUD | SE H | 406 | 11:25:05 | 05:36:07 | France | |
1090 | 2007 | Fabien CARCAGNO | SA MONTROUGE PARIS 12 | SE H | 407 | 11:25:07 | 05:36:09 | France |
1090 | 2724 | Matthieu FERNET | SE H | 407 | 11:25:07 | 05:36:09 | France | |
1092 | 1205 | Harold GERBER | SE H | 409 | 11:25:10 | 05:36:12 | France | |
1093 | 1288 | Jean CAMMARATA | V2 H | 162 | 11:25:15 | 05:36:17 | France | |
1094 | 3350 | Bertrand ROBINET | 51036 | V2 H | 163 | 11:25:22 | 05:36:24 | France |
1095 | 2654 | Vincent GIRAUD | SE H | 410 | 11:25:27 | 05:36:29 | France | |
1096 | 2431 | Nicolas CHAMPION | SE H | 411 | 11:26:12 | 05:37:14 | France | |
1097 | 2426 | Ludovic CHAMPION | V1 H | 404 | 11:26:14 | 05:37:16 | France | |
1098 | 3260 | Patrick MARCHAND | Rethel Courir | V2 H | 164 | 11:27:07 | 05:38:09 | France |
1099 | 3310 | Jean Luc DARTEYRE | V1 H | 405 | 11:27:09 | 05:38:11 | France | |
1100 | 2498 | Daniela ZUSCHLAG | SE F | 33 | 11:27:12 | 05:38:14 | Allemagne | |
1100 | 2638 | Ralf KEITZ | V3 H | 25 | 11:27:12 | 05:38:14 | Allemagne | |
1102 | 2490 | Patrick BEZARDIN | V2 H | 165 | 11:27:57 | 05:38:59 | France | |
1103 | 3201 | Philippe PIAS | V2 H | 166 | 11:27:59 | 05:39:01 | France | |
1104 | 2661 | Thierry MOREL | YERRES AC | V3 H | 26 | 11:28:11 | 05:39:13 | France |
1104 | 3278 | Ludovic DEBONNET | YERRES AC | SE H | 412 | 11:28:11 | 05:39:13 | France |
1106 | 2161 | Patrick SAFFROY | V2 H | 167 | 11:30:17 | 05:41:19 | France | |
1106 | 2462 | Xavier GAIGNEROT | V1 H | 406 | 11:30:17 | 05:41:19 | France | |
1108 | 2196 | Pascal CARLIER | V1 H | 407 | 11:30:18 | 05:41:20 | France | |
1109 | 3592 | Andrea CAPPELLARO | - | V2 H | 168 | 11:30:32 | 05:41:34 | Italie |
1110 | 1141 | Claude MIRODATOS | La Foulée Muroise | V3 H | 27 | 11:30:34 | 05:41:36 | France |
1111 | 2469 | Anne FAUVEL | SE F | 34 | 11:30:44 | 05:41:46 | France | |
1112 | 3495 | Emmanuel BERUJON | SE H | 413 | 11:30:49 | 05:41:51 | France | |
1112 | 1630 | Antoine PETIT | SE H | 413 | 11:30:49 | 05:41:51 | France | |
1114 | 1402 | Matthias STRAUSS | ES H | 7 | 11:30:58 | 05:42:00 | Allemagne | |
1115 | 1126 | Gilles DUPRE | V1 H | 408 | 11:31:24 | 05:42:26 | France | |
1116 | 3218 | Aurelio MICHELANGELI | ASD Parks Trail | V2 H | 169 | 11:31:57 | 05:42:59 | Italie |
1117 | 3220 | Patrizia FERRANTI | ASD Parks Trail | V2 F | 14 | 11:31:59 | 05:43:01 | Italie |
1118 | 3383 | Denis ANCELIN | UAS SENS 89010 | V3 H | 28 | 11:32:29 | 05:43:31 | France |
1119 | 3192 | Thomas ESTEVE | SE H | 415 | 11:32:34 | 05:43:36 | France | |
1120 | 2128 | Olivier GILLARDEAUX | V1 H | 409 | 11:32:46 | 05:43:48 | France | |
1121 | 2516 | Arnaud LAGNIEZ | V1 H | 410 | 11:32:56 | 05:43:58 | France | |
1122 | 1290 | Jean Francois BOISSONNEAU | JDM Bures | V3 H | 29 | 11:33:08 | 05:44:10 | France |
1123 | 3199 | Bruno VANNIER | AVIA CLUB | V2 H | 170 | 11:33:09 | 05:44:11 | France |
1124 | 2136 | Nicolas OBIGAND | SE H | 416 | 11:33:12 | 05:44:14 | France | |
1125 | 2090 | Remy PILLIERE | Stade Français | V2 H | 171 | 11:33:34 | 05:44:36 | France |
1126 | 1291 | Jean-Frédéric DONATI | V2 H | 172 | 11:33:36 | 05:44:38 | France | |
1127 | 3589 | Lionel BOECHAT | V2 H | 173 | 11:33:37 | 05:44:39 | France | |
1128 | 2527 | Alain ROUILLON | V2 H | 174 | 11:33:39 | 05:44:41 | France | |
1128 | 1385 | Linda MOUCLE | V1 F | 39 | 11:33:39 | 05:44:41 | France | |
1130 | 3110 | Stéphane BATTAGLIA | AS CREDIT FONCIER DE FRANCE | SE H | 417 | 11:33:40 | 05:44:42 | France |
1131 | 2708 | Sascha LINDNER | SE H | 418 | 11:34:10 | 05:45:12 | Allemagne | |
1132 | 3489 | Thierry BLANCHARD | V1 H | 411 | 11:34:36 | 05:45:38 | France | |
1133 | 3488 | Christophe AUBOUIN | V1 H | 412 | 11:34:37 | 05:45:39 | France | |
1134 | 2040 | Rénald PACOT-GRIVEL | Le Havre S'Port Athletisme | V1 H | 413 | 11:34:39 | 05:45:41 | France |
1135 | 2883 | Jean-Christophe MERCIER | V1 H | 414 | 11:35:21 | 05:46:23 | France | |
1136 | 1345 | Clotilde GIMOND | V1 F | 40 | 11:35:27 | 05:46:29 | France | |
1137 | 2734 | Patrick BOURROUX | V1 H | 415 | 11:35:44 | 05:46:46 | France | |
1138 | 2014 | Christophe MARTIN | V1 H | 416 | 11:36:02 | 05:47:04 | France | |
1139 | 3263 | Bernhard ROHRMANN | V2 H | 175 | 11:36:13 | 05:47:15 | Allemagne | |
1140 | 2946 | Michel DUREAU | Mordus A2R | V1 H | 417 | 11:36:31 | 05:47:33 | France |
1140 | 2058 | Valery AUCHERE | OUEST ESSONNE ATHLETISME | V2 H | 176 | 11:36:31 | 05:47:33 | France |
1142 | 2042 | Jean-Marc NAUDI | MA2AM | V1 H | 418 | 11:36:42 | 05:47:44 | France |
1143 | 2911 | Philippe PELLETIER | V1 H | 419 | 11:37:02 | 05:48:04 | France | |
1144 | 2823 | Frederic SALOME | V2 H | 177 | 11:37:03 | 05:48:05 | France | |
1145 | 3118 | Richard LEFEVRE | V2 H | 178 | 11:37:11 | 05:48:13 | France | |
1146 | 3346 | Jean Pierre LECORVAISIER | ENTENTE SPORTIVE RENAULT | V2 H | 179 | 11:37:32 | 05:48:34 | France |
1147 | 2532 | Guylaine BAZIN | V2 F | 15 | 11:38:23 | 05:49:25 | France | |
1148 | 2405 | Guillaume DUCRET | V1 H | 420 | 11:38:25 | 05:49:27 | France | |
1149 | 1610 | jean-michel TOURON | SE H | 419 | 11:38:27 | 05:49:29 | France | |
1150 | 2599 | Nicolas BEDETTI | SA MONTROUGE PARIS 12 | SE H | 420 | 11:38:47 | 05:49:49 | France |
1151 | 2334 | Lilian LE GUEVELLOU | SE H | 421 | 11:38:49 | 05:49:51 | France | |
1152 | 2419 | Wilfrid HOERTH | V2 H | 180 | 11:38:52 | 05:49:54 | France | |
1153 | 2747 | Patrice HOUZE | V2 H | 181 | 11:38:55 | 05:49:57 | France | |
1154 | 2454 | Mickaël BOUTIN | FONTANIL TRIATHLON | V1 H | 421 | 11:39:20 | 05:50:22 | France |
1155 | 3578 | Daniel LE COEUR | V2 H | 182 | 11:39:41 | 05:50:43 | France | |
1156 | 3067 | Denis GODFRIN | V2 H | 183 | 11:39:50 | 05:50:52 | France | |
1157 | 3602 | cyrille DUMESNIL | V1 H | 422 | 11:40:35 | 05:51:37 | France | |
1158 | 2549 | Abdo ABI-ATMI | V1 H | 423 | 11:40:37 | 05:51:39 | France | |
1159 | 3302 | Miguel MARIE ROSE | V1 H | 424 | 11:40:52 | 05:51:54 | France | |
1160 | 3349 | Lilian ROBERT | V1 H | 425 | 11:41:08 | 05:52:10 | France | |
1161 | 3354 | Yvan SIMONNET | V1 H | 426 | 11:41:09 | 05:52:11 | France | |
1162 | 1635 | Vincent PATERNOTTE | V2 H | 184 | 11:41:35 | 05:52:37 | France | |
1163 | 3447 | Adrien GOUD | SE H | 422 | 11:41:50 | 05:52:52 | France | |
1164 | 2702 | Isabelle SOLBES | V1 F | 41 | 11:42:05 | 05:53:07 | France | |
1165 | 1214 | Frédéric NICOLAS | V1 H | 427 | 11:42:34 | 05:53:36 | France | |
1166 | 3355 | Laurent COLOMY | V2 H | 185 | 11:43:31 | 05:54:33 | France | |
1167 | 3276 | Christophe QUEMENER | V1 H | 428 | 11:44:04 | 05:55:06 | France | |
1168 | 2584 | Vittorio PEZZETTA | A Team | V1 H | 429 | 11:44:10 | 05:55:12 | Italie |
1169 | 3200 | Yves FAURE | V1 H | 430 | 11:44:25 | 05:55:27 | France | |
1170 | 2711 | Julien DUPREZ | SE H | 423 | 11:44:38 | 05:55:40 | France | |
1170 | 2709 | Christophe BONAL | SE H | 423 | 11:44:38 | 05:55:40 | France | |
1172 | 1596 | Jerome LACHETEAU | V2 H | 186 | 11:45:03 | 05:56:05 | France | |
1173 | 2776 | Olivier BREUILLAT | V1 H | 431 | 11:45:12 | 05:56:14 | France | |
1174 | 2875 | Jean Jacques LE CHAIX | sam paris 12 | SE H | 425 | 11:46:01 | 05:57:03 | France |
1175 | 2079 | Jérôme LEMOINE | SE H | 426 | 11:46:22 | 05:57:24 | France | |
1175 | 2609 | Lydie ROATTA | SE F | 35 | 11:46:22 | 05:57:24 | France | |
1177 | 2276 | Pascal RENAUDIN | courir a lieusaint | V1 H | 432 | 11:47:11 | 05:58:13 | France |
1178 | 318 | Yann PICHAULT | Meudon Triathlon | SE H | 427 | 11:47:12 | 05:58:14 | France |
1179 | 1090 | Julien POMA | SE H | 428 | 11:47:14 | 05:58:16 | France | |
1180 | 2478 | Sébastien REMOND | Team RAIDLIGHT | SE H | 429 | 11:47:15 | 05:58:17 | France |
1181 | 653 | Philippe CHAPUIS | V2 H | 187 | 11:47:21 | 05:58:23 | France | |
1181 | 2348 | Luc CARPENTIER | V1 H | 433 | 11:47:21 | 05:58:23 | France | |
1183 | 2774 | Philippe VILLEPELLEE | Association courir a Lieusaint | V2 H | 188 | 11:47:29 | 05:58:31 | France |
1184 | 3418 | Alexander STAUDENMAIER | V2 H | 189 | 11:47:41 | 05:58:43 | Allemagne | |
1185 | 3461 | Laurent DOURNEL | SE H | 430 | 11:48:04 | 05:59:06 | France | |
1186 | 2477 | Xavier BON | PSUC ATHLETISME ORSAY | V1 H | 434 | 11:48:31 | 05:59:33 | France |
1187 | 979 | Alex BEERNAERD | V2 H | 190 | 11:49:09 | 06:00:11 | France | |
1188 | 980 | Jacques SAUCEDE | RAID DU TRI NATURE | V2 H | 191 | 11:49:10 | 06:00:12 | France |
1189 | 3478 | Florent GUILLET | SE H | 431 | 11:49:34 | 06:00:36 | France | |
1189 | 3366 | Enrique PLU | SE H | 431 | 11:49:34 | 06:00:36 | France | |
1191 | 2896 | Michel BOURGUE | athletic club salonais | V2 H | 192 | 11:49:45 | 06:00:47 | France |
1192 | 3500 | Maxence DUFOREAU | AS FLEXI-FRANCE | SE H | 433 | 11:50:02 | 06:01:04 | France |
1193 | 2759 | Joachim MERTENS | DUV | V2 H | 193 | 11:50:06 | 06:01:08 | Allemagne |
1194 | 2515 | Daniel HEIDECK | SE H | 434 | 11:50:09 | 06:01:11 | Allemagne | |
1195 | 2636 | Vincent PITOUN | SE H | 435 | 11:50:31 | 06:01:33 | France | |
1196 | 1352 | François PHILIPPE | V2 H | 194 | 11:50:54 | 06:01:56 | France | |
1197 | 2484 | Julyan ARBEL | SE H | 436 | 11:51:23 | 06:02:25 | France | |
1198 | 1303 | Thierry FOUCAUD | V2 H | 195 | 11:51:55 | 06:02:57 | France | |
1199 | 2460 | Annie FLOCH | V1 F | 42 | 11:52:27 | 06:03:29 | France | |
1200 | 3051 | Sonia KALI | V1 F | 43 | 11:52:28 | 06:03:30 | France | |
1201 | 2940 | Abdelhak KHENOUCHE | V1 H | 435 | 11:53:22 | 06:04:24 | France | |
1202 | 2926 | Patrick ROLLOT | EFS Reims Athlétisme | V2 H | 196 | 11:53:23 | 06:04:25 | France |
1203 | 3496 | John ESSEX | Foul%uFFFD de Saint Germain en Laye | V3 H | 30 | 11:54:04 | 06:05:06 | Royaume-Uni |
1204 | 2836 | Jean Baptiste MULLER | SE H | 437 | 11:54:14 | 06:05:16 | France | |
1205 | 2837 | Lionel EXPERT | SE H | 438 | 11:54:15 | 06:05:17 | France | |
1206 | 2603 | James RYDER | SE H | 439 | 11:54:56 | 06:05:58 | Royaume-Uni | |
1207 | 2181 | Franck TANGUY | V1 H | 436 | 11:55:29 | 06:06:31 | France | |
1208 | 1524 | Vincent FRANCO | SE H | 440 | 11:55:32 | 06:06:34 | France | |
1208 | 2095 | Fabien DEFALT | SE H | 440 | 11:55:32 | 06:06:34 | France | |
1210 | 1364 | Serge DENEUBOURG | V1 H | 437 | 11:55:49 | 06:06:51 | France | |
1211 | 3487 | Fred MENIGOZ | SE H | 442 | 11:56:00 | 06:07:02 | France | |
1211 | 1357 | Gilles ROUYER | BON PIED BON OEIL ESCALQUENS 31 | V2 H | 197 | 11:56:00 | 06:07:02 | France |
1213 | 2038 | Jacques DUTILH | V2 H | 198 | 11:56:04 | 06:07:06 | France | |
1214 | 2030 | Hugues MARION | V1 H | 438 | 11:56:06 | 06:07:08 | France | |
1215 | 1388 | Emmanuel CLERIN | STADE DE VANVES | V1 H | 439 | 11:56:38 | 06:07:40 | France |
1216 | 1598 | Alexandre LARCHER | V1 H | 440 | 11:56:53 | 06:07:55 | France | |
1216 | 2013 | Fanny HENOCH | SE F | 36 | 11:56:53 | 06:07:55 | France | |
1218 | 3467 | Stéphane GASSE | V1 H | 441 | 11:56:55 | 06:07:57 | France | |
1218 | 1600 | Jean-Michel HENOCH | V1 H | 441 | 11:56:55 | 06:07:57 | France | |
1220 | 2364 | Thierry MERLEN | oxygéne belbeuf | V3 H | 31 | 11:56:58 | 06:08:00 | France |
1221 | 2645 | Patrice PETIT | OXYGÈNE BELBEUF | V2 H | 199 | 11:56:59 | 06:08:01 | France |
1222 | 2620 | Emmanuel BERTRAN | caes-cnrs | SE H | 443 | 11:57:37 | 06:08:39 | France |
1223 | 3359 | Daniel LEIBEL | V2 H | 200 | 11:58:34 | 06:09:36 | France | |
1224 | 3388 | Vincent BOURDY | ESF Reims Athlétisme | V2 H | 201 | 11:58:41 | 06:09:43 | France |
1225 | 2511 | Patrick NAVARRE | V2 H | 202 | 11:59:11 | 06:10:13 | France | |
1226 | 3198 | Joan BRET | V1 H | 443 | 11:59:29 | 06:10:31 | France | |
1226 | 2959 | Frederic CASIER | AS MEUDON | V1 H | 443 | 11:59:29 | 06:10:31 | France |
1226 | 2957 | Eric GEISLER | V1 H | 443 | 11:59:29 | 06:10:31 | France | |
1226 | 2962 | Mustapha KHALDI | V2 H | 203 | 11:59:29 | 06:10:31 | France | |
1230 | 1672 | Thierry RATELADE | V3 H | 32 | 11:59:36 | 06:10:38 | France | |
1231 | 2304 | Ronald BOUTEILLE | V1 H | 446 | 11:59:37 | 06:10:39 | France | |
1232 | 3275 | Julien LANZI | MEGA | SE H | 444 | 12:00:10 | 06:11:12 | France |
1233 | 1002 | Jean-Claude FAIVRE | V2 H | 204 | 12:00:21 | 06:11:23 | France | |
1234 | 1671 | Vincent PAJOT | V2 H | 205 | 12:00:38 | 06:11:40 | France | |
1235 | 2066 | Philippe DEJOUX | V1 H | 447 | 12:00:49 | 06:11:51 | France | |
1236 | 1234 | Etienne GROSBOIS | SE H | 445 | 12:01:07 | 06:12:09 | France | |
1237 | 2631 | Pierre LORENZI | SE H | 446 | 12:01:22 | 06:12:24 | France | |
1238 | 3170 | Pierre-Adrien NADAL | SE H | 447 | 12:01:43 | 06:12:45 | France | |
1239 | 2632 | Scott VIALLET-THEVENIN | SE H | 448 | 12:01:47 | 06:12:49 | France | |
1240 | 2947 | Philippe ETHENOZ | V1 H | 448 | 12:01:56 | 06:12:58 | Suisse | |
1241 | 1563 | Yves LE MOTTAIS | V3 H | 33 | 12:02:04 | 06:13:06 | France | |
1242 | 1528 | Jerome PECHINE | V1 H | 449 | 12:02:26 | 06:13:28 | France | |
1243 | 3411 | Dietrich KLAASSEN | V1 H | 450 | 12:03:06 | 06:14:08 | Allemagne | |
1244 | 3369 | Guillaume THIBAUT | SE H | 449 | 12:03:13 | 06:14:15 | France | |
1245 | 2096 | Smail AIT SAMADI | V2 H | 206 | 12:03:16 | 06:14:18 | France | |
1246 | 1276 | Abderrahim EL HAMINE | AC CAMBRAI | V2 H | 207 | 12:03:18 | 06:14:20 | France |
1247 | 1642 | Olivier PLAY | V1 H | 451 | 12:04:10 | 06:15:12 | France | |
1248 | 3548 | Guillaume BARRAY | SE H | 450 | 12:04:41 | 06:15:43 | France | |
1249 | 2811 | Ke-Fong LIN | SE H | 451 | 12:04:43 | 06:15:45 | France | |
1250 | 1588 | Sebastien QUATRESOLS | jooging club epernay champagne | V1 H | 452 | 12:06:39 | 06:17:41 | France |
1251 | 2542 | Jacky FAUVEL | ASCGG | V1 H | 453 | 12:06:40 | 06:17:42 | France |
1252 | 2613 | Vincent FROTTIER | V1 H | 454 | 12:07:20 | 06:18:22 | France | |
1253 | 2259 | Jean Marc BOREK | a c Auchitain | V2 H | 208 | 12:08:23 | 06:19:25 | France |
1254 | 2059 | David LAVAL | Les Raideurs Musculaires | SE H | 452 | 12:09:39 | 06:20:41 | France |
1255 | 2924 | Philippe THOMAS | Le Souffle d'ORGERUS | V2 H | 209 | 12:09:59 | 06:21:01 | France |
1256 | 1253 | Alain OVRE | V1 H | 455 | 12:10:11 | 06:21:13 | France | |
1256 | 3104 | Yolande GUIRAND | SE F | 37 | 12:10:11 | 06:21:13 | France | |
1258 | 3194 | Rafael PENALBA | 100 MC Deutschland | V2 H | 210 | 12:10:12 | 06:21:14 | Royaume-Uni |
1259 | 3043 | Jean-Marc KUBIAK | V1 H | 456 | 12:10:33 | 06:21:35 | France | |
1260 | 2973 | Simon BRIGHT | V2 H | 211 | 12:10:37 | 06:21:39 | Royaume-Uni | |
1261 | 1384 | Simon FABRY | SE H | 453 | 12:11:00 | 06:22:02 | France | |
1262 | 3451 | Pierre PARENTE | SE H | 454 | 12:12:18 | 06:23:20 | France | |
1263 | 3537 | Raphaël DE THOURY | SE H | 455 | 12:13:06 | 06:24:08 | France | |
1264 | 3126 | Frederic SAUVAGE | courir à ormes | SE H | 456 | 12:13:34 | 06:24:36 | France |
1265 | 3077 | Gilles JOURDAN | V2 H | 212 | 12:14:03 | 06:25:05 | France | |
1266 | 2411 | Gail GREWE | SE F | 38 | 12:14:16 | 06:25:18 | Etats-Unis | |
1267 | 2399 | Chad RICKNER | V1 H | 457 | 12:14:17 | 06:25:19 | Etats-Unis | |
1268 | 3148 | Nicolas DE CHILLY | SE H | 457 | 12:14:33 | 06:25:35 | France | |
1269 | 2358 | Paul BARD | SE H | 458 | 12:15:04 | 06:26:06 | France | |
1270 | 3440 | Svenja JOHN | SE F | 39 | 12:15:10 | 06:26:12 | Allemagne | |
1271 | 3566 | Michel ALISE | V2 H | 213 | 12:15:18 | 06:26:20 | France | |
1272 | 2851 | Gilles TARENNE | AS NANDY ATHLETISME | V2 H | 214 | 12:15:32 | 06:26:34 | France |
1273 | 1586 | Angelika ABEL | TV Stammheim | V2 F | 16 | 12:15:39 | 06:26:41 | Allemagne |
1274 | 1587 | Eberhard OSTERTAG | TV Stammheim | V3 H | 34 | 12:15:42 | 06:26:44 | Allemagne |
1275 | 2006 | Reza KARIMI | V1 H | 458 | 12:16:12 | 06:27:14 | ||
1276 | 3347 | Amadeu LOPES | ESRenault | V3 H | 35 | 12:16:27 | 06:27:29 | France |
1277 | 1434 | Elzbieta MORIEUX | V1 F | 44 | 12:16:32 | 06:27:34 | Pologne | |
1278 | 2483 | Thierry CLAUS | Lagardere Paris Racing | V1 H | 459 | 12:16:40 | 06:27:42 | France |
1279 | 2073 | Christophe DRUELLE | V1 H | 460 | 12:17:14 | 06:28:16 | France | |
1280 | 3306 | Florence BULTEAU | SE F | 40 | 12:17:17 | 06:28:19 | France | |
1281 | 3545 | Thomas BARRAY | SE H | 459 | 12:18:09 | 06:29:11 | France | |
1282 | 3316 | Tatiana BERLAND | C.A.O SAINT-CYR | V1 F | 45 | 12:18:38 | 06:29:40 | France |
1283 | 2060 | Marc BEVALET | Triathlon Club de Torcy | V2 H | 215 | 12:18:45 | 06:29:47 | France |
1284 | 2072 | Pascal LEVY | SE H | 460 | 12:18:47 | 06:29:49 | France | |
1284 | 1554 | Marc BARTHELME | SE H | 460 | 12:18:47 | 06:29:49 | France | |
1286 | 2056 | Giao DUONG HUYNH | RUNNOSPHERE | V1 H | 461 | 12:19:14 | 06:30:16 | France |
1287 | 3151 | Damien SEIBERRAS | SE H | 462 | 12:19:53 | 06:30:55 | France | |
1288 | 2471 | Julien DOUCET | SE H | 463 | 12:19:54 | 06:30:56 | France | |
1289 | 3017 | Giovanni ROSSI | ATLETICA CASONE NOCETO PARMA | V2 H | 216 | 12:20:03 | 06:31:05 | Italie |
1290 | 2504 | Marcel ANDRES | V3 H | 36 | 12:20:19 | 06:31:21 | France | |
1291 | 2425 | Gérald MORELLE | AMICALE NEUFCHATEL ATHLETISME | V1 H | 462 | 12:20:21 | 06:31:23 | France |
1292 | 3037 | Philippe LESCEUX | V1 H | 463 | 12:20:57 | 06:31:59 | France | |
1293 | 2241 | Patrice GODET | V2 H | 217 | 12:21:01 | 06:32:03 | France | |
1294 | 2182 | Pascal BROUAYE | V2 H | 218 | 12:21:19 | 06:32:21 | France | |
1294 | 3339 | Emmanuel SERRI | V1 H | 464 | 12:21:19 | 06:32:21 | France | |
1296 | 3106 | Alexandre RECCHIA | V1 H | 465 | 12:21:27 | 06:32:29 | France | |
1297 | 1604 | Cyril ECHALLIER | V1 H | 466 | 12:22:06 | 06:33:08 | France | |
1298 | 2717 | Michel ANZANO | V2 H | 219 | 12:22:08 | 06:33:10 | France | |
1299 | 2288 | Jocelyne SCHULZ | V1 F | 46 | 12:22:21 | 06:33:23 | France | |
1300 | 3231 | Michael WORTMANN | V1 H | 467 | 12:22:26 | 06:33:28 | Etats-Unis | |
1301 | 2195 | Emmanuel DANZIN | UASG | SE H | 464 | 12:22:33 | 06:33:35 | France |
1302 | 2901 | Tiffany PAPONNET | SE F | 41 | 12:23:49 | 06:34:51 | France | |
1303 | 3564 | Robert CLOETE | SE H | 465 | 12:23:50 | 06:34:52 | Royaume-Uni | |
1303 | 1648 | Cédric REFRAY | SE H | 465 | 12:23:50 | 06:34:52 | France | |
1305 | 3435 | Julien HAROUART | SE H | 467 | 12:23:59 | 06:35:01 | France | |
1305 | 3000 | Olivier CHARPENTIER | SE H | 467 | 12:23:59 | 06:35:01 | France | |
1307 | 3565 | Ryno VERSTER | SE H | 469 | 12:24:00 | 06:35:02 | Afrique du Sud | |
1308 | 1626 | François-Xavier GAUDAS | SE H | 470 | 12:24:03 | 06:35:05 | France | |
1309 | 3292 | Simone OLIVERO | SE H | 471 | 12:24:24 | 06:35:26 | Italie | |
1310 | 3442 | Richard HAINSWORTH | V2 H | 220 | 12:24:38 | 06:35:40 | Royaume-Uni | |
1311 | 2485 | Philippe CHEREAU | V1 H | 468 | 12:26:49 | 06:37:51 | France | |
1312 | 3210 | Maxime BARTHELME | ES H | 8 | 12:26:53 | 06:37:55 | France | |
1313 | 2805 | Alexandre DUBUC | SE H | 472 | 12:26:54 | 06:37:56 | France | |
1314 | 1655 | Erik DARMOCHOD | V1 H | 469 | 12:27:49 | 06:38:51 | France | |
1315 | 3444 | Guillaume ADAMCZYK | V1 H | 470 | 12:30:01 | 06:41:03 | France | |
1316 | 2961 | Thomas DEKHAR | V1 H | 471 | 12:30:34 | 06:41:36 | France | |
1317 | 1669 | Yamina HAOUAS | SE F | 42 | 12:33:10 | 06:44:12 | France | |
1318 | 1592 | Alban LECOT | Pass' Running | SE H | 473 | 12:33:15 | 06:44:17 | France |
1319 | 3324 | Paulo CUSTODIO | bords de marne futsal | SE H | 474 | 12:34:17 | 06:45:19 | Portugal |
1320 | 1202 | Youssef SAKI | SE H | 475 | 12:34:20 | 06:45:22 | France | |
1321 | 1557 | Daniel CIVIALE | PSUC ATHLETISME ORSAY | V2 H | 221 | 12:34:59 | 06:46:01 | France |
1322 | 1538 | Philippe JACQUES | V1 H | 472 | 12:39:23 | 06:50:25 | France | |
1323 | 1476 | Jean-Claude PLAY | V3 H | 37 | 12:39:36 | 06:50:38 | France | |
1324 | 2446 | Anthony GUENEUGUES | AMICALE DES SAPEURS POMPIERS DE DAMMARTIN EN GOELE | SE H | 476 | 12:40:03 | 06:51:05 | France |
1324 | 2694 | Sylvain LE CALVEZ | amical des sapeurs pompiers de dammartin en goèle | SE H | 476 | 12:40:03 | 06:51:05 | France |
1326 | 2357 | Jerome LE BERT | semelles de vent | SE H | 478 | 12:40:06 | 06:51:08 | France |
1327 | 2750 | Hugo HEULINE | V1 H | 473 | 12:40:13 | 06:51:15 | France | |
1328 | 2877 | Pierre TISSOT | SE H | 479 | 12:40:14 | 06:51:16 | France | |
1329 | 1640 | Pierre-Yves HEBERT | V2 H | 222 | 12:40:24 | 06:51:26 | France | |
1330 | 1638 | Thierry RIEDINGER | V2 H | 223 | 12:40:25 | 06:51:27 | France | |
1331 | 1551 | Simone FOURGS | V1 F | 47 | 12:41:43 | 06:52:45 | France | |
1332 | 2094 | Francois JOUSSE | V1 H | 474 | 12:42:16 | 06:53:18 | France | |
1333 | 2050 | Patrick HETTE | V1 H | 475 | 12:42:20 | 06:53:22 | France | |
1334 | 2107 | Sébastien DUDEMAINE | SE H | 480 | 12:42:24 | 06:53:26 | France | |
1335 | 2108 | Jérôme LEVESQUE | SE H | 481 | 12:42:32 | 06:53:34 | France | |
1336 | 1500 | Chris WOLFE | wolfepack | SE H | 482 | 12:43:21 | 06:54:23 | Etats-Unis |
1336 | 1502 | Donielle WOLFE | wolfepack | SE F | 43 | 12:43:21 | 06:54:23 | Etats-Unis |
1338 | 3188 | Francois SAILLANT | V2 H | 224 | 12:45:24 | 06:56:26 | France | |
1338 | 3389 | Stéphane MAKSYMINK | V1 H | 476 | 12:45:24 | 06:56:26 | France | |
1340 | 1293 | Pascale LAMMENS | natixis | V2 F | 17 | 12:46:02 | 06:57:04 | France |
1341 | 2624 | Denis RAULT | V2 H | 225 | 12:46:32 | 06:57:34 | France | |
1342 | 2501 | Stephane MALO | AJA triathlon | V1 H | 477 | 12:49:55 | 07:00:57 | France |
1342 | 1459 | Tiana RAKOTOARISOA | V1 H | 477 | 12:49:55 | 07:00:57 | France | |
1344 | 1693 | Arthur RIEUNIER | V1 H | 479 | 12:51:17 | 07:02:19 | France | |
1345 | 2442 | Virginie BACH | V1 F | 48 | 12:51:23 | 07:02:25 | France | |
1346 | 2441 | Laurence MARIE | V1 F | 49 | 12:51:24 | 07:02:26 | France |
Les résultats des autres courses du week-end de l'écotrail sont disponibles ici :
Franchement, toutes mes félicitations !! c’est une très belle performance que tu signes là…à moins d’une heure de Vincent Viet !!
Merci Loïc !! C’était une super course, je ne m’attendais pas à être aussi bien que cela… j’espère que je pourrais confirmer ça lors des prochaines, à commercer par les gendarmes et les voleurs de temps le 19 mai…
Ouh là ! C’est du lourd ton affaire. 30ème !